SMU or UMiami?

<p>Which do you pick?</p>

<p>Academically I say Miami, no brainer.</p>

<p>Campus- toss up, both very different, sort of like the bungalow vibe that Miami has, kinda tucked away. not so much pleasentville world like SMU.</p>

<p>Sports- Miami, no question.</p>

<p>Social Life- Probably SMU, the whole experience seems to be directed at having a good time and being happy whereas Miami seems to be more about creating your path as an individual.</p>

<p>Surrounding area- Slight edge SMU, both big cities, but the winter park area seems to be extremely nice and really couldn't be topped. Coral Gables is very nice as well though.</p>

<p>Do you mean the “University Park” area?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say it’s a no brainer. I know two SMU grads who went on to the same elite law school (and not Texas-Austin) and have done quite well. One ended up at a “white shoe” law firm in New York.</p>

<p>Ehhh SMU just is so rich/conservative/fake reality.</p>