Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

I have a feeling the letter is bad news. We have one coming today too. Sounds like the good news came from UPS.

I have one letter coming in USPS. May be bad news. Did not get UPS. From the board so far it looks like USPS is good news and UPS is good news.

Has any one, so far got good news from USPS ?

And those who got the invitation to Presidential Honors Program if you don’t mind sharing the scholarship amount you got . My gut says that if you got a higher scholarship then you get invited . If you got a lower scholarship you don’t get invited.

My son only got 24k .


@illinoisdad1729 My DS received $32,000. He has received neither UPS or USPS (nothing in informed delivery). We are holding out some hope still, because we thought he’d be an excellent candidate. But the whole admissions process is challenging to figure out.

@illinoisdad1729 I think you’re on to something. My son got 22k, and has a USPS letter coming today. Nothing from UPS.

My S was accepted to UASP engineering cohort right after his overall acceptance, but Honors Program was shown as under review on the letter. Today, his letter was updated online to show that he has now been accepted to Honors Program. When he was not accepted to Honors with the initial batch, I assumed that this was off the table. Presidential Fellows is still showing as under review, but I assume this will be a rejection given that others heard yesterday with an invitation.

For those collecting data points, my daughter was accepted to the Honors Program and the University Academic Scholars Program (I believe her flavor of that was “Engineering and Computing Scholars Cohort”?). She was awarded about 41K of merit, and did receive the Presidential Fellows Program invite yesterday (Thursday, 1/16) delivered to our home in So Cal via UPS.

Question: My D20 was accepted UHP and Scholars initially. Where do you see the update? In the actual letter with the confetti? She got a USPS letter yesterday but it was just from the UHP no UPS letter so I am guessing no PF for her. I can’t tell on the portal where the updates are though.

@Northamericadad The acceptance letter with confetti was updated today. The paragraph indicating that his application for honors was under review disappeared. The paragraph on UASP acceptance was updated to also include the Honors Program. The Presidential Fellows paragraph is still showing as under review.

Is there any body yet, who got the USPS and still got the good news ( meaning interview for the presidential Honors Program )?

I called the admissions office yesterday and they said that an email about PFP will be sent out this afternoon, has anyone heard anything?

No emails yet on Presidential Honors Program. So most probably end of road to Miami. Got USPS mail . No denial but just asking to visit the university . In many ways we were hoping for this PFP , but in another way makes our decision making a no brainer now between Miami and UIUC . Still some more like University of Maryland full ride Bennker/Key to go . who knows what happens there , and a few choice schools . If we get something it is a lottery , else happy to go to UIUC honors instate.

I might be more disappointed than my son. Miami wasn’t his dream school but he liked it and would have considered for enough aid but will be a little less stressed with a shorter list.

I was told we would be getting an email this afternoon no matter what, saying either accepted or rejected. It’s almost 5pm (their offices close at 5) and no one (that I see) has gotten an email, so I’m guessing maybe they aren’t sending emails like they said they would? Kind of crappy if you ask me, but oh well


That’s a bangin’ offer straight out of the gate!

Miami definitely wants your daughter to come.

Best wishes to her in the competition. From the looks of things, she has an excellent shot.

My daughter who was invited then disinvited to the Honors events was re-invited to them today. This level of incompetence over something so important is stunning.

^^ AamyA - I can’t imagine why they are messing up so much. Sorry you are going through this. They are overworked or something like that right now. Hope it all works out well for you.

AamyA- exact same thing happened here. In the last 72 hours, dd has been invited to the presidential breakfast and honors session, disinvited from both and now confirmed to be in honors via letter and portal update.

It does seem odd that Miami is messing this up. They seem to be one of the better recruiters of the schools we are dealing with. And very keen on attracting higher stat students like your kids.

We got two mailings and an email from honors this week. My thought was that they are sending love during the week for kids who did not get the President fellow invite. IMO, if that is their strategy, they are overcompensating. If it is leading to making these errors, even worse.

We did not expect PF, stats could have made it but EC were mostly average with a few quirky ones where he was more involved. Would have taken luck to have those quirky ones speak to the reviewers. Also have heard from several sources (including on here) more stem etc. , which is not where his interest lie. He originally was not even checking the box for Presidential Fellow, though I think he did in the end. My nephew did a similar program as did one of our close family friends (at other schools) and my son said they are great, but not for him. In any case, if I was not on CC we would not even have realized it was this week. My guess is many people are that way, so probably overkill if the school is trying to soften the blow.

I hope these errors do not turn your kids off to Miami too much. Despite these errors, I do think there is a commitment to undergrad at Miami that is greater than most schools. All depends on fit, but if you fit they offer a lot (I think it is unlikely my son will end up there, but we are visiting again with an open mind. And I think it would really work well for one of his younger brothers when the time comes).

gone2mrrw, I’m so sorry this has happened to your child, too. You’d think there would be more oversight. The disinvite and the reinvite letters were not very empathetically framed either, in my opinion. Fortunately, we have other acceptances from schools that were at the top of her list so nobody’s hopes were crushed here - I just feel so bad for a student that had his/her heart set on Miami and had this happen to them.

@Nonamefits –

---- this is us too! he didn’t fill out the essays. I was wishing he would have - but I doubt it would have made a difference actually.

good luck to all –