Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

I’m super shocked by all the high stats. Wow, and congrats to all your kids. I have a junior and so far, this is his top choice. He’d be in Farmer. We are in state.

31 ACT (32 superscored)
3.9 UW
Practically no extra curriculars, except marching band and one “volunteer club” he joined this year
zero zip nada volunteer hours so far, but hey, his brother has autism and we gots other stuff to do!

Did any of you do the summer scholars program? Anyone with these “lower” stats have merit offers?

Your son would be eligible for a guaranteed merit scholarship in the range of $5000-12000 according to the chart on the site.
My son, OOS, received $12000 with a 1340 SAT and 4.2 W GPA.

Amytude, he is only a junior, so if he really wants Miami, then he could work on pushing up the ACT. Since they superscore, even just hitting one part higher on given test helps. Not sure how many times he has taken the ACT, but sometimes the strategy of trying the “other test” - in his case SAT - works. A kid just may hit it a little differently. I have heard from some people that it is particularly true with kids that already have pretty solid scores like your son. For example, some say that there is more time pressure on ACT, so if that impacts your kid the SAT may end up a little higher in comparison.
On the activities, not an issue really for most of their merit money. But our college counselor said Miami is a school where the admissions people are really willing to hear from her about stuff like that and take it into consideration. They require a letter from the counselor (a lot of schools don’t). I would just make sure the point is made. Everyone can understand how that would impact time allocation.

How long did it take you guys to receive the packet after being accepted via email/applicant portal? I got an email saying I was accepted on 23rd jan, I didn’t receive my packet yet. I’m an international student.

Has anyone been to the Red Brick Roadshow? I realize that this accepted student event is in only about 10 cities.


Unfortunately, we’re from an under-represented state for Miami, so no Red Brick Roadshow for us, lol.

They always sound fun, though!


We attended the Red Brick Roadshow in Boston on Jan 14 and thought it was very well done. My son found talking with staff and alumni at the program helpful. It didn’t change things drastically for him as Miami was already one of his favorites, but it helped him feel more confident in his interest and eager to attend a Make It Miami program which we’ve scheduled for next month. The event started with brief talks by a handful of admission/enrollment staff and faculty members. Then there was a large panel of alums who talked briefly about themselves and their Miami experiences and took questions from the audience. The alums were well-spoken and thoughtful about what their Miami experience meant for them. The program finished with a reception where accepted students and parents could talk with the alums and staff one-on-one. There were a couple of current students home on break who attended and made themselves available for questions during the panel and reception. The reception had some nice heavy hors d’ouevres.

PSAT scores dramatically lower. Will be his 3rd time taking ACT this April. Had group tutoring last go-round. He also has accommodations (time and a half) for ACT. School also gives SAT around April, but I’m thinking it will follow PSAT trend. I imagine it’s very difficult to raise scores once you start getting in the 30’s.

Amytude, probably an obvious question on my part, but the much lower PSAT is after adjusting for the fact the PSAT is on a lower scale? I am guessing so as you can see percentile, but I do know my kids have a friend who’s family freaked out because they did not know the PSAT is out of 1520. You never know on the next ACT, particularly with super scoring. Best of luck to him!

His test scores are great, but I’d definitely spend some time studying for either the SAT or ACTand take them a couple more times because of Miami’s guaranteed merit aid. One or two points on the ACT or 10-20 points on the SAT can make a difference.

No notice in S20’s email but on a whim pulled up S20’s admission letter and noticed it had been updated. It now says he has been admitted to Law and Public Policy Scholars cohort of the University Academic Scholars Program (UASP). Before he had been admitted to honors but under review for UASP. Is extra scholarship money always attached to UASP admission?

@mountainmomof3 , the website says $1,000 to $2,000.

Thanks! @3xpink - yes saw that online - I just wasn’t sure if they received it if they were admitted later in admission process.

@amytude my D18 got 32 on ACT first time and brought it up to a 35 the second time she took it. Actually improved/stayed the same on every category

@nonamefits–thanks! Unfortunately, PSAT was only like 1240. His goal is a 33 to qualify for that top tier at Miami, though I honestly don’t know how much difference it will make. He also does not want to attend the summer program, but we very much want him to do it. Ah, the joy of teenage boys!

Has any international student who applied for the #YouAreWelcomeHere scholarship received an admission decision yet? This is a very excruciating waiting period for me because in spite of having applied in Early Action 1 back in November, I still haven’t received my decision. Does that mean I can expected to get a rejection, since majority of the international students have already received their decision?


Are you saying you haven’t received an admissions decision? Or are you waiting to hear about the scholarship decision? Or both?

Trying to clarify…

I applied EA2, what time are decisions going to be out?

@buckeyeinbama I have received none. Neither the admission decision nor the scholarship ones. At this point, I think it’d be futile to hope for anything but a rejection.


I would still call Admissions. We’ve seen some unusual behavior this admissions cycle, so you never know. Lack of response could be an unintentional oversight on Miami’s part.