Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

@buckeyeinbama last I spoke to them was in Early January when they said the decisions would be released at the end week of January. Now it’s early February and no news from them yet. And yes, some unusual behaviour has definitely been apparent. I just wish I’d get a decision soon.

Thank you, @evenjob60! We enjoyed the Red Brick Roadshow in our area, too. Alumni were so friendly and my DD was tickled pink to receive their business cards. We will sign up for Make it Miami. I’m still trying to figure out who typically enrolls in Miami from out-of-state. Is it often the strong students who love the automatic merit awards? Or is it sometimes the less strong students (or slackers) who need a school with a high acceptance rate and simply like the polished vibe of Miami? I can see how Miami can appeal to a wide crowd.

@florencewelch666 I am an international student. I also applied at the end of October but haven’t received my decision yet.

@balchal your user name pretty much sums up my current feeling of being in a decision purgatory (I took a wild guess about your nationality and hoping that you’ll get the user name reference if you are indeed from said country)

On another note: Have you contacted the admissions office? If so, what did they say?

I contacted them thrice. In the middle of December they told me that they would release decisions in ‘a couple of weeks’. In the middle of January, they told me that ‘in the next week or two’. On Febuary 1, they told the that they would in fact release them in ‘the middle of next week’.

^ Got accepted with $36K today.

I’m nervoussss

@optimisticbear About what?


Congratulations on your acceptance, as well as the merit scholarship!

I haven’t received decisions for Honors and UASP Business. Does this mean that I’m not selected? I scrolled through previous threads and saw that those who didn’t get decisions at the same time as admission decision weren’t selected.

@custardapple DS applied to Honors and UASP, but his initial acceptance letter did not include either. Instead, it said that he was still under consideration for both programs. He was accepted later that week for UASP and about a month later for Honors. FYI, his decision letter on the portal was updated along the way to say that he was accepted to the programs. Have you checked to see whether yours was updated? He also applied to Presidential Fellows, but did not receive an invite to attend the PF weekend. Eventually, the paragraph about PF pending dropped from his acceptance letter.

Hello. I’m an OOS student with a 3.6 unweighted (4.05 weighted) GPA and 1500 SAT (never super scored; I’ve only done the SAT once). Since I will get a full-ride scholarship to Miami, is it worth coming all the way to Ohio for the killer deal, or should I just go to another good public within VA (like VT or JMU)? Are these better colleges than Miami? I’m planning on majoring in Stats/Data Science in the CAS. Thanks!

PS, money isn’t a concern for my parents (my parents could afford a 50k private), but I believe that a Miami education will have a better ROI than any other school in the country, considering that I’ll only have to pay 15k a year for room n’ board every year.

@1lalalalala!lalalalalala! to clarify, have you applied and received a full tuition scholarship? You stats are great and put you in the top merit category, but that is from half to full tuition. From what has been posted this year, there are not a lot of people getting full tuition. So if you don’t have a number from them yet, I would not assume full tuition.
Miami is a great school, but so are UVA and William and Mary for example. Having been to several schools in VA, I would say Miami is most similar to William and Mary, IMO. In any case, I would visit the schools, get a sense of them and move from there. I would also do some research on your planned major at each school, but keep in mind that something like 80 percent of undergrads change their majors at least once nationwide.

Miami did not reply. What amount do u think I’ll get?

Also, is Miami similar to WM in terms of academics and prestige, or is it similar in terms of campus, locality, environment, stuednts, etc?

@“1lalalalala!lalalalalala!” I would expect a scholarship closer to half than full tuition. As a benchmark, DS has a 1480 SAT, 4.63 wgpa, ranked 1 of ~300, 9 APs, rest honors. His total scholarship was $23K, including 2 for UASP. Maybe you will get a bit more because of the slightly higher SAT score, but I wouldn’t expect full tuition, especially if you weren’t invited to the Presidential Fellows weekend.

Environment and feel are similar. I think students are a little more variable as far as stats at Miami, but top students are similar. WM is much smaller than Miami (about half the size), but Miami has small classes and an amazing focus on undergraduate education. So I think much of the experience would feel similar. And in some fields Miami is really well known (particularly Farmer). Both schools have a liberal arts overall feel to them even if you are in one of their more technical schools. Due to size, Miami offers more breadth of experiences. That limit would be one of my biggest concerns on W&M.

They are not perfect comparisons, but I was trying to give you some sense. For example, to me VT is very different from WM. I’ve not been to JMU, but from a stats standpoint I would say it looks a lot like Miami but maybe a little lighter on the high stats kids on the tail. Miami is a little odd that way - their top 15%-20% or so is really very strong which means there is a wide range of students. And since they started the automatic merit program they are getting more and more.

1lalalalala!lalalalalala! my DD (OOS) had a 1450 SAT, 33 ACT, 4.08 wgpa (3.98 unweighted), several AP’s, several honors, National Merit commended scholar, varsity athlete, NHS, Color Guard captain and hundreds of volunteer hours. And two parents who are alumni. She was awarded $20k and is still waiting on her honors and academic scholars decisions. Your SAT score is a bit higher, so you might score a little more merit aid, and I am sure there are other things that factor into their decisions, but I would agree with previous poster that you probably shouldn’t count on full tuition.


Anything is possible on the ACT. My D19 went from 30 to 34. She took the June ACT just after her Junior year HS. She had just finished studying and taking 5 AP tests. She was in test taking mode. Getting to the next level on the merit scholarships can be huge.

Don’t discount the essays. Miami has the ranges on its merit scholarships. I believe Essays play a role in it for sure.

My son was accepted to sport management and leadership.

Any idea of how good the program is? Met some of the faculty at an open house in NY, but couldn’t get a sense of whether the program is well-regarded and can provide the access he’ll need to one day (fingers crossed) work in the NFL.

Editor NYC my daughter got in same program … So excited for her as we just officially excepted