Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

We waited up last night and found out our Son was Accepted!!! Farmer’s School of Business and UHP. Miami is his top pick although like others - we will need to wait and see what his merit offer will be. He got in to his second choice (OSU) and already has his merit offer from there so crossing fingers - hopefully by new year’s he’ll know!!

4.5 wGPA
33 ACT
Tons of AP and CCP classes

He wants to study Information Systems and Business Analytics! We were super impressed with the FSB program during our October visit!

Good luck to everyone!!! And Good Luck to the Class of 2024!!

DS20 accepted in IMS but no scholarship information.

Accepted to Farmer as an Information System & Analytics major and UHP!

3.2 UW / 3.4 W, 32 ACT, 33 superscored (if I remember correctly, they accept the superscore version), in-state, also first-gen

No clue how I got into honors with my GPA but I’m happy! Definitely one of my top choices.

EA: Accepted
OOS - NJ Resident, Canadian Citizen
Applied around 10/28
College of Arts and Sciences - Economics
GPA: 10th - 2.7 11th - 3.5 12th - 4.2
SAT: 1530
Essay: Very good (Highly praised by a Dean at Columbia University in NYC)
AP Classes, 19 Honours Classes, Math up to Calculus
2 Varsity sports (4 years Fencing - Captain) (3 years Lacrosse), Speech/Debate (2 years), Model UN (4 years), Jazz Saxophone (10 Years, 15-19 hours per week once in high school, played at Lincoln Center multiple times, learned from with Grammy-winning musicians), Student Liaison with local Board of Education, Volunteering Club, 2 Jobs, Writer at our HS Student Culture Magazine

Hope this helps! Congrats to whomever else was accepted!

EA: Accepted, as well as part of the University Honors Program (UHP) and the Social Impact and Justice Scholars cohort of the University Academic Scholars Program (UASP).
College of Arts and Sciences: Diplomacy and Global Politics (planning on double majoring and taking a minor as well if I attend)
GPA: 4.19 W Cumulative
SAT: 1520
SAT Subject Tests:
Math 2: 750
US History: 800
Physics: 720
AP Scores:
Calculus AB: 5
US History: 4
Physics 1: 4
Chinese Language and Culture: 3
Essay: Strong (former admissions counselor at a selective liberal arts school praised it)
Sports: Volleyball (4 years, three years varsity, should be captain this year), club volleyball three years, went to Nationals
Model UN: 4 years, on leadership team 11th grade, Secretary-General (student leader) 12th grade, tons of conference awards
Summer Programs: Chemical Biology four week intensive at a local university, three week intensive on constitutional law at another university
Jobs: Part time self-employed technology help nearby, two summers of summer camp counselor
Community Service: On average 1.5 hour per week per school year, all four years
Semester study abroad in Europe in fall semester of sophomore year
National Merit Commended Scholar
AP Scholar with Honor
National Chinese Honors Society

Now just waiting for the result of my Presidential Fellows Program application to come through!

Hope this helps anyone and congrats to all those accepted!

Only applied for the EHS cohort, not honors.
4.3 wgpa, 3.98uwgpa
Lots of ECs with leadership
Essay about a theater group I founded for special needs children
Over 1500 volunteer hours

Congratulations to everyone who got accepted!

Son was accepted to College of Engineering and Computing for mechanical engineering major. Also accepted to UASP Engineering and Computing Scholars cohort today. Applications pending for UHP and Presidential Fellows Program, but not sure if it would be smart to add UHP on top of engineering and UASP.

OOS, 4.6 WGPA, 1480 SAT, ranked 1 of 300, varsity athlete, president of Model UN, trumpet section leader.

Now the wait for scholarships and lining up a visit for Feb. Congratulations to those accepted!

I just received my acceptance packet in the mail, but no scholarship info included. Hoping for that letter to come soon!

Congrats to all Admits! So, my son received the decision email on Sunday and the large packet via USPS today. I doubt he applied Honors because he declined that option at every other school to which he applied. So, no mention of any forthcoming merit scholarship in the paperwork that arrived today. However, based on MU-OH printed brochures, it certainly looks like he should receive money. In fact, he took the SAT on Dec. 7th in hopes of hitting the top tier of merit aid. Do you all think that we should still expect something via snail mail in the next week or so regarding a scholarship? We are OOS. Thanks!

Does anyone know if Merit is sent in acceptance packet ?

@KF5656 – see my post above yours. No mention of $$$ in my son’s packet that arrived today.

Last year, we received Miami’s initial financial aid offer on January 22.

We received an amended on March 29, and the final financial aid package on April 3.

Hopefully this helps everyone.

just got an email saying “Financial aid and scholarships may be top of mind for your family, and on December 20, we will mail merit scholarship offer letters to eligible students”

so in a few more days. It makes a big difference to us! and like @imstacey - kiddo didn’t fill out honors apps anywhere! (except state school). I think honors can offer more $$ from what I can tell. good luck!

@bgbg4us We received the same email today about scholarship letters going out on Dec. 20th. Good luck to you and all!

Yup, just found out that son just got that email re: Dec. 20th. Good to know! Why don’t they just include that information in the large mailer packet?

applied ea1 early, didn’t get a decision by now, please help

@Atul0020 Are you an international student? They use rolling admissions for international students.
If not, I would call the admissions office.

yes I’m an international students. Just talked to the academic counsellor in India. They had some issues and will be sending decision by the end of next week. :slight_smile:

@buckeyeinbama Just curious, did your merit amount change much from the initial letter to the final package?