Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

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If total 28 course, need 17 AP (5.0) and 11 Honors(4.5) to reach 4.8+, based on MUā€™s GPA scale.

In-state daughter just received $13K with 4.6 GPA (Miamiā€™s calculation) and 34 ACT. Seems like itā€™s on the low side, but OK I guess.

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I bet that is a lot of AP course all with ā€œAā€. Great job!

Not yet! You and my daughter applied to many of the same schools:)

i got in around 12am today for direct admit to farmer for marketing! iā€™m in-state and received 15,500 per year:)

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My daughter was accepted last night with direct Admit to Farmer School of Business. $13K Merit Award, in state.
Recalculated GPA 4.09
ACT 30
Miami Summer Scholar

How is $13k low? That covers 80% of current tuitionā€¦

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No ideaā€¦ I didnā€™t know MU did a recalculation. This is just the weighted one straight from the school transcripts.

Diverse as compared to what schools? Considering its more of a suburban environment and the cost of attendance is a bit higher for a public university excluding scholarships, it tends to attract more upper income students which mirrors the general demographics of the population. Its hard to fault the University for that.

I think mainly racially not diverse, and that doesnā€™t necessarily align to s-e group. We just donā€™t want him to go someplace where the only faces of color are in the brochures and marketing stuff. KWIM?


Still, that is extremely high!

So, do we think more decisions will come out after midnight tonight? Iā€™m hoping so!

This was my daughterā€™s first official college visit and she fell in love with the campus and the town. One of my coworkers is an alum and she is loud and proud about it, and she was my daughterā€™s elementary school counselor, so that makes Miami have even more clout. D was set on Miami until she visited a few other schools junior year, but itā€™s stayed in her top 3 or 4. Now that sheā€™s older and the decision is looming, she wants to go back again and do a departmental tour, talk with students/profs, etc.


Interesting. My son had those exact stats, except out-of-state, and also received the equivalent minimum in that top tier. By taking test scores out of the equation, I am sure many more students qualified, so they had to divide up the pie more. Unfortunately, that reduced the amount for our kids who had a test score that would have qualified in past years. (If I recall correctly, I think you had to get a 33 to be in that top tier.) Itā€™s a tough situation to make ā€œfair,ā€ because Iā€™m sure there were some students who could have gotten such scores, but legitimately werenā€™t able to take the test. Iā€™m sure others though were able to take advantage of the test-optional situation and qualify for more than they would have in a normal year. Another factor could be that the state/university budgets arenā€™t in great shape with Covid impact, so they arenā€™t being as generous this year. Iā€™m just speculating though.

I have heard they sometimes bump up the offers, so maybe that will happen in this case. Fortunately for you, the range difference in that tier is only about $3K. For us out-of-state, the difference could be as much as $15K.

i got accepted last night at midnight! they say that they got the chance to review my app early.
Test Optional
Lots of APs, honors and Dual enrollment,
Good amount of ECā€™s
11k/year scholarship
political science major


I wonder what kind of stats you needed to get more than the 13K for in state. Itā€™s crazy how high stats some of your kiddos are! I hope they are rewarded for their hard work.

Yeah, Iā€™ve heard it was all random bc I know kids with higher stats than my son and they havenā€™t heard back, yet.

hi! i got $15,500 per year and iā€™m in-state. if youā€™re interested, iā€™m willing to share my stats! :slight_smile:

I was also wondering how this would affect others like my son. According to last yearā€™s merit schedule, he technically would have only qualified for like 8K-ish in merit. His ACT was 1 point away from that top tier, but his GPA qualified. For us, itā€™s been a win.