Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Seems like the acceptances were mostly pretty high stats applicants. My son with recalculated GPA of 3.58 and ACT 28 hasn’t heard and I didn’t see anyone else with that level responding yet either.

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congratulations @Mom2SandG Miami is a beautiful campus you should definitely visit. I also think there are a good deal of kids from Illinois that attend.

My and his one concern is lack of diversity. He’s a middle class suburban white kid, but we live in a very racial and socio-economically diverse community. I heard Miami has been working on that. We have family in Cincy, so it would be nice to have him not far from a home-cooked meal and cousin/auntie spoiling. :slight_smile:

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I got a response with a 3.28 recalculated.


I think better dorms and class registration priority. Maybe a designation on diploma. I get the schools mixed-up. LOL!

My son ended up taking bits and pieces from other schools supplementals and threading them together to apply to Miami’s code. Writing isn’t his thing, but that was my suggestion and he did a good job of it, IMO.

@burghdad My D21 has a high recalculated gpa with a high ACT score and also did not hear back. It seems like Miami just chose to release the apps for which they have completed their reviews. My D21 applied early, but because of some COVID related scheduling issues at her school they did not send out transcripts or LORs until just before the 11/1 deadline. Many of her classmates applying to Miami also did not receive admittances last night.

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My boys both applied early. One had all completed (meaning transcripts, test scores, all in) by 9/22, the other by 10/5. My guess is it is a timing thing, as those that came in early like theirs had the advantage of being looked out before the deluge of applications came in.

I am curious, did anyone get rejected? I haven’t seen any here and wonder what stats of those that do not get in are. It sure helps for future years’ applicants.

@teachme21 I’m sure your Daughter will hear something soon. There often seems to be no rhyme or reason for how admissions released. D21 applied to Clemson has not been admitted while other kids with similar/lesser numbers have been. And Clemson is a straight up numbers school. Not sweating the Clemson app because she informed us she is not going there because her sister goes there. Wants her own place. Which is fine.

@burghdad Thank you. She was just hoping to get her first acceptance because many of her friends are receiving their acceptances. She didn’t listen to her parents (shocking, I know) and applied EA at schools that have January acceptances (except one that is on 12/19) and RD to schools with March acceptances. We suggested she apply to Ohio State, so she would get one early acceptance, but she is 17 so…

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You will not find a diverse crowd at MU.

I mentioned to him and he said he will probably do it. For some reason he thought it was 2 essays, but realized he mixed it up with the Purdue Honors application.

@teachme21 I am sure she will hear back soon. My son applied in mid-October. Even though his stats were above a 4.0 recalculated I don’t think they necessarily accepted based on the high stats. I think it was based on the timing of applications and stats. My friend’s daughter was accepted into nursing (mine is engineering) and she received $16k/yr vs the $36k my son received per year but she applied much earlier than he did, which is why I think the timing matters on top of the grades.

If your school waited until last minute to complete the apps, then that is probably the delay. Miami was really pushing for applications during November especially once they had the waiver so I’m sure they got a ton by then.

Good luck to her!

@teachme21 we had ours apply to Alabama because we knew it was rolling, no essays and automatic merit.

My daughter was also accepted to Alabama. Did yours receive merit with the acceptance, or later in a separate letter?

Everyone shall apply for their own State University as the safe net because of many benefits, easy, no essay, rolling, close to home, safe, in-state scholarships, etc.

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Update- D21 accepted with $21K merit. 4.26W GPA OOS, no test scores. We are definitely planning to visit. Still waiting to hear from Clemson and Richmond - 2 of her favorites. Congrats everyone!

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My son was accepted in Farmer Business School. 23,500 Scholarship. I think he was 4.1 recalculated GPA.


@burghdad @Tigergrad94 I also applied to bama! I did not receive merit yet but applied for a competitive scholarship. I never sent my official score 32 act and have no idea if they used that in my app or not lol. I don’t feel like paying to send it to and not end up going there. Have u gotten any word on scholarships?

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I have twins from Ohio too! D1 got in to the engineering school today with 13K scholarship, but D2 hasn’t heard yet, and very similar stats. Both have:
4.8-4.9 Wtd GPA
33-34 ACT
11-12 APs
3-4 years of varsity sports
Key Club, SADD, etc.
And the one that hasn’t heard yet was a National Merit Commended Scholar.


Can we safely assume the Wtd GPA 4.8-4.9 is not the one recalculated by MU?