Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

@srparent15 When I compare my two boys’ offers, it is clear that engineering gave less $$$ than business, likely due to the competitive nature of the program. I assume nursing is similar. My engineer does have a lower GPA, but a much higher test score. It will be interesting to see if the money goes up across the board or just for certain majors or if it goes up at all since this is going to be a tough financial year for colleges. My engineer likely needs a bit more money to be incentivized to chose Miami, but who knows, they are both figuring it out as we speak.

3.28 recalculated GPA
1470 SAT

Accepted to Farmer as direct admit also received 11k per year scholarship.


ssrparent - we were part of the group last year getting merit later on in the spring. kid had a 34ACT/3.97 UW (OOS) – didnt apply to honors. we were slightly disappointed in the award ($23K), hoping it would be more toward the middle of top group. later on in the spring an extra $4k came in; but it was too late to visit, and he had his heart set on another school then. It’s not that a few thousand here or there really makes that much of a difference; but had they offered that up front, the school would have been a contender. I wish you all the best of luck. (editing to add: engineering major)


They only released some of the EA decisions, likely they realized pushing back the EA release date by a month this year is frustrating many applicants. Many EA decisions, including my D21’s, have not been released.

S21 was accepted EA last night. 4.45 W / 4.0 UW. heavy APs, no scores. College of Engineering. $13K in state merit annually. For him it was a safety school and has very little interest. I plan to have him withdrawal his application soon to make room for those still waiting. Good luck!


Son accepted into Sports Management, but will double major with Farmer (Biz Econ or Management/Leadership). Awarded the RedHawk Excellence Scholarship ($36K/year). I was surprised at the amount, but happily so. Guess we definitely need to visit

3.96 UW; 4.96 W
Ranked 13 out of 550+
34 ACT
1550 SAT (1560 super)
2 varsity sports
worked (until COVID) and some extras


His twin didn’t get a response so hang in there!

Forgive me. What does “D21” mean?

@bgbg4us Thanks, this helps and I’ll pass it on. When my daughter applied 2 years ago she was offered 24k/year in merit so we figured my son would be offered similar even though he does have higher stats but they’re aren’t significantly higher. We were shocked to see the $36k/year last night. For my friend who’s daughter goes to same high school as my son, I’ll pass on about the later merit. That will be helpful for her. She’s in nursing, mine were both engineering. I don’t know if they divvy up the money by school but that might make sense.

Applying for the honors program is still showing up on his applicant portal. Does it for anyone else? I thought the deadline passed? Does this mean they still want him to apply? He doesn’t really want to do the essays, but maybe if he is rejected from his ED it would be worth it for him at this point if he can.


daughter 2021 graduate

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That’s great. You should indeed feel fortunate. My OOS son had basically the same stats (34 ACT, 4.0 UW, 4.57 Miami-formula Weighting) and only got the minimum of $21K. He would be going into Farmer too, but without the Sports Management part of it. I wonder if that helped in your case in that they’re wanting to attract excellent students like your son to that particular program.

Hopefully, they will bump my son’s offer up at some point, because he is very interested in Miami.


My son got the same - $13K from Miami but we’re still in “evaluation” at OSU. UGH

I’ve wondered the same thing, but from context I figured out that I think it is short for Daughter- High School Class of '21. :slight_smile: (I’ve also seen S21, etc)

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So interesting. I have twins too. The Engineering student is lower recalculated GPA by Miami and got $13K in state. He does have 9 APs and 4 years of PLTW Engineering classes (total of 7 classses). He was 4.0 UW, 4.45 W. The process is so confusing!

It might have to do with the first major on the application. I don’t remember (he did all the Common App stuff) if Miami asked for 1st and 2nd choice or just one choice for major. I would have thought he’d have put Farmer first, but if the higher scholarship was because he had a less desired major, well then… :slight_smile: I do want him to make sure he can do the double major from the get-go so he is part of the first-year core.

I hear they do bump up in the spring, so fingers crossed on that front for your son.

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HOw do you all think they decided who gets their decision now and whose will come later? Do we think it has to do with when they sent their app?

My son applied by the deadline, but there is a link to his application that states that even though the deadline is passed, you can still apply and they will evaluate if space is available. It can’t hurt, though the essay (500-1000) is a beast.

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I guess I should have mentioned scholarship amounts in my original message.

$15k OOS plus $3k Bridges Program for Excellence Scholarship.
3.489 uw GPA/3.7 SRAR (he was offered the max amount for his recalculated GPA)
33 ACT
ETBD major

So a total of $18k for a solid B student, which we thought was quite generous. He also applied for all honors programs, so we’re hoping that he may get an additional $1k-$2k if admitted to Prodesse. That would bring it to just about the cost of in-state schools here. Miami has always been a top contender for him due to the ETBD major, which is unique.

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He sounds like a great applicant for any school! My portal also shows the honors app and the enrollment deposit under that. The honors app says optional next to it but maybe they need more people idk.

Yeah that’s why he didn’t do the honors scholarship the first go around, but if he doesn’t get the ED now there may be incentive. He’ll need to research more what the honors program gets him to understand the benefits. My daughter is in an honors program at UT-Austin and it’s amazing and many advantages she wouldn’t have otherwise.

As for the essay, his supplemental for his ED school was basically a second common app so maybe he can use that and tweak it to fit Miami, but I guess we’ll see. He may also want to apply to more schools as well but I’m so happy he has an acceptance under his belt. He’s already so sick of all the essays he wrote so yeah a beast I’m sure is an understatement!