miami vet school?

hi. i’m considering transferring to UMiami. However, my dream is to become a vet. I’m aware there no program for pre- vets like there are at other schools, KState, Auburn, Clemson, etc. I realize that vet school is awfully competitive. Will it be extremely detrimental to attend Miami even though there is no vet school? I’m not sure if the reputation will help me with admissions to vet school . anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?

bump! bump! bump!

That sounds like a question to ask someone in Miami’s bio dept or whatever dept you plan on doing your UG major in. Ask which major/track is best for pre-vet. Ask how many UM students typically apply to vet school & what their admissions rate is for vet school.

^ Agreed. I would assume that the pre-med advisers would be able to help with pre-vet. You should call though and ask.