<p>For those from Michigan and have applied to the Michigan Competitive Scholarship by sending them your social security number by the end of first semester in senior, you may check your application status and result online. The amount of this scholarship is small (only $676) but it has very little involvement to apply except for a phone call.</p>
<p>To check your status, follow the link at <a href="http://www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid/0,4636,7-128-48314-195327--,00.html">http://www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid/0,4636,7-128-48314-195327--,00.html</a>
Click on the link for MI Scholarships Online and then on the tab for "Students". It will prompt your for user name and password as follow:</p>
<p>User name: First 4 letter of first name plus your DOB (DDMMYYYY)
Password: Your SSN</p>
<p>Check if you need to update any information on it. It should show the status on top. The scholarship is listed as CS under Type.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>