Michigan vs Cal vs Texas for Mechanical Engineering

<p>Final year UG Automotive Engineering student.
At the moment I'm looking at pursuing Mechanical or Manufacturing in grad school but I'd really like to know if I could learn about Hybrid vehicles anywhere.
Also which state would offer better job prospects?
Oh, foreign student in case you haven't figured yet!</p>

<p>Michigan or Texas (or Texas A&M). Michigan is slightly better only because of the proximity to the HQ for so many American branded cars.</p>

<p>I know there is a big Mercedes facility close to Alabama, so that may be an option as well.</p>

<p>Yeah I suppose Michigan is the best but what about California? I live in a very hot place considering that the temps never fall below 25C during day and I have no experience of temps below 15C. But then again I have to adjust.</p>

<p>But I even know someone who studied Electrical Engng only fairly good at U.New Mexico and is currently working for Ford <em>omg</em>
So how big an impact would studying in Texas or cal affect my chances?</p>