Mid year grades?

<p>I was accepted last night! =) I'm so happy! Well I checked a lot on its status almost everyday and a few days ago I noticed it asked for mid year grades. I can't fill this in yet because we haven't taken our final exams yet. Since I was already accepted do I still have to report this? It's saying that applying freshmen have to.</p>

<p>Once you have final semester grades in, check myUW to see if it is still asking for midyear reports. My son was not admitted until after his semester grades were out, so he had to self-report those. I am not sure if the automatic form will disappear once the fact that you have been admitted works its way through the electronic system. </p>

<p>You will need to send your final, senior transcript showing all grades for the year if you enroll (true at every school my son applied to). </p>
