Mid year reports deadline?

<p>Hello everyone! I was wondering whether the February 15th deadline is really THE END for mid year reports? I am enrolled in the Canadian system (in trimesters) but several of my online courses are in the american system of 2 semesters...When I sent in my transcript, the transcript only contained my regular school marks and not my AP course marks because the school board was slow to update my marks. This was a problem since that made my transcript ignore the 2 AP courses I did as well as 4 AP courses I am doing this year (I am doing 7 regular courses at school and 4 APs online because my school does not offer AP's).</p>

<p>My solution was to mail in my AP course scores in as a mid year mark and have my counsellor attach a note to explain my situation (that my mid year marks reflect my AP marks only because they are the only courses that are in this system, while the other courses do not have mid year marks). </p>

<p>However, as I started 2 of my online courses late (in november), I will most likely not finish the first semester by February 15th....Should I wait a while to finish them and send them late February, or should I just send the marks as is (that is, my current marks)?</p>

<p>Any help is appreciated, thanks!</p>

<p>EDIT: I edited the last paragraph because it was not clear enough (I meant the semester, not the course itself).</p>

<p>We are looking for 1st trimester grades from those who are on a trimester system.</p>

<p>February 15th really is the deadline…get what you have to us. If the transcript on file already has 1st trimester grades on it, the admission officers who read your file should flag it so that item is removed from your to do list.</p>

<p>Yeah I have already sent my first term (trimester) marks, but not my online grades. The commonapp page still shows I am missing mid year reports. I guess I will have to send my marks as is…</p>

<p>Thanks, Dean J!</p>

<p>We don’t control the Common App status pages. You should be logging into the UVa Student Information System to check your status with us.</p>

<p>Dean J, </p>

<p>What if the high school is on a semester schedule? The second marking period has just completed and I’m not confident that the Guidance Office can submit the report on time.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance…</p>

<p>S’s semester has just ended as well. He is advised by the guidance department that they are sensitive to the February 15 date and intend to complete all mailings by February 13. Assuming mailing takes place before February 15, I imagine the deadline has been complied with. As a practical matter, I am also confident that UVA is aware of similar semester dates and hence, they take that into consideration concerning the date of receipt of the mid year report. One thing is certain, the earlier the better as for mailing.</p>

<p>Much appreciation JohnRoss! Good luck to your son - I hope he gets in. As a parent of a current UVa student, I am certain that if he attends, it will be a great college experience.</p>

<p>Thanks. D is a second year and is in love with the University. She could not be happier. Good luck to you as well.</p>

<p>Does the Feb 15 deadline mean that items must be received by Feb 15, or that they must be mailed out by Feb 15?</p>

<p>^ I am wondering about this as well.</p>

<p>when is the mid year report deadline due for transfer students? they don’t specify on their website.</p>

<p>The deadlines have always been postmark deadlines. Transfers don’t need to send mid-years (do you even get mid-years?). They send final transcripts as soon as they are available.</p>

<p>Thanks Dean J.</p>

<p>My daughter’s public school in Virginia has said that mid-year reports will not be available until after Feb 17. So there is no way that it will be postmarked by Feb 15. What does she do? Will she be penalized for this?</p>