<p>Is anyone aware of boarding schools which allow military recruiters to pitch to students on campus? If so, which ones?</p>
<p>I remember seeing the service academies visiting Andover during college fairs. I think representatives from the ROTC came too. Since 99% of graduates go to college, I don’t think recruiters would have much of an audience. I’m guessing most boarding schools are similar.</p>
<p>If you have a son and, in a testosterone-laden moment, he gets on line and “requests an information brochure” from one of the services, then the flood gates open and he will get all manner of glossies and maybe even calls. It’s like those trailers you see before the movies, all heroism and honor and “being all that you can be” while leaving out the part about the body bags and PTSD. Parents of boys in particular should be on the look-out for the military hard-sell, unless of course they encourage it.</p>