milton vs andover

<p>Absolutely not. In fact, they are offered many more receptions year round, by nature of their location, generally within 25 minutes of the school. This is also the reason they do not require daylong programming during revisits. Revisit meetings for boarding parents consist of a multitude of discussions that day student parents likely do not need. Meetings include topics like how to set up a kid with a bank account and debit card in Andover for school; how to store items in dorms over breaks and the summer vacation; how to help relieve homesickness; obtaining visas for international students; and the organization of host families, families that have volunteered to house students during breaks if travel to home in the US or abroad is not practical and to act as surrogate family. Day student parents would be wasting time if they went through these meetings. Accordingly, info sessions are different because completely different sessions apply to boarding and day parents.</p>

<p>Honestly, what would be the benefit or the need in excluding day parents from the programming…</p>

<p>That’s a snow job. People are not dumb. Look closely at your boarding parents’ schedule. Day parents would die to attend these important sessions (about academics, not boarding aspects).</p>

<p>8:55 a.m. – 9:35 a.m. Panel Discussion: “Learning at Andover”
Faculty members will discuss Andover’s extensive academic program.</p>

<p>9:35 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Introduction to Andover’s Co-Curricular Program
Becky Sykes, Associate Head of School</p>

<p>9:45 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. “Discovering Andover”
Meet faculty members from the music, theatre/dance, athletic, and
community service departments at PA.</p>

<p>10:25 a.m. – 11:05 a.m. Sample Classes for Parents</p>

<p>2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Panel Discussion: “Thriving at Andover”
Current students will share their personal experiences.</p>

<p>The whole program is relevant to day parents, except ONLY this.</p>

<p>11:15 a.m. – 12:00 noon Panel Discussion: “Living at Andover”
Students, house counselors and a cluster dean will discuss aspects of
residential life.</p>

<p>Okay, you know what, whatever! I can’t say I’ve attended every admissions event. But I can tell you that the specifically day parent events happen on the regular and are identical. </p>

<p>Honestly, pulsar, I don’t understand the belligerence.</p>

<p>I can say with certainty that, as Tom mentioned, day student parents at Andover do not get “the short end of the stick.” They are regularly invited on campus for events, even during the admissions process, and they can certainly attend revisits (my friends’ parents did)-- though for many families it is the only school they applied to and are quite familiar with it, so they have the option of dropping their kids off for the day. (some parents of boarding students with legacies often do not attend either.</p>

<p>And how did this get so off topic? No need to be so belligerent, everyone, especially to a school you are not at all acquainted with. evemarie, I was a new lower at Andover and it was extremely welcoming and inclusive. Often, new students stick together in the beginning, but by senior year no one really remembers if you were a new lower or not. But that’s Andover, I’m sure Milton can be equally inclusive! I guess it also comes down to how much effort you put in socially. I do suggest getting a roommate or requesting a large dorm. Also, fit is definitely important so hopefully you got a better feel after revisits.</p>

<p>I’ll add to Wallberg’s comments that there are events and invitations that don’t get posted on the website. As incoming parents a few years ago (local boarders) we (and our child) were invited to several Andover events in private homes. The day and local boarding families are very well tied in to the school, with opportunities to volunteer at various campus and attend events throughout the year.</p>

<p>According to Forbes, PA is ranked 3rd while Milton is the 16th.
Which one did you choose at the end?
All the best anw!;)</p>