Minnesota Resident Chances Please??

<p>25 ACT (taking it tomorrow morning again, hoping for a point or two increase)
3.92 unweighted GPA, AP's were not available until my junior year, took some honors classes first two years, though
Class rank around top 16 %, public high school
currently filling out application, will not complete in time for early decision
Have some good extra-curriculars and great work experience:
MN Boys State (mock government camp, selective to get into)
National Honor Society for three years
editor of student newspaper
student leader for high school religion class (Life Teen is the program's name)
full day of community service for flooding in Fargo, ND (sandbagging, shoveling, etc.)
2 mission trips
Band for 4 years (1st chair in section during part of sophomore year)
1 yr varsity baseball letterwinner, playing again this year
sports internship at local newspaper
still employed at newspaper primarily with sports dept. I take phone calls from coaches, write stories on sporting events, work on a deadline
Senior yr classes: Pre AP Precalc, German 4 (college in the schools), Concert Band, Honors Physics, British/West. Lit., AP World History
Chart says 80% chance, but from what I've heard about those high ACT scorers being rejected I'm questioning my chances, especially of my ACT right outside that middle 50%. Hoping my GPA and extra-currics/work experience will boost my chance. Want to major in journalism.</p>

<p>What do you think of my chances?</p>


<p>Nail that ACT tomorrow I’m taking it too. Right now based on just those stats you have about a 30 percent chance, maybe a little less. Competition is very high this year. I know a guy from my school top of our class who didn’t get in, so your really going to have to try at this one.</p>

<p>Go ahead and apply so you can find out what the officials think, ie UW admissions.</p>

<p>Do you really think that I have only a 30% chance!?
The chart says 75% (I thought it was 80% earlier) if you match up gpa and act. If you match up my class rank with act it says I would have about a 30% (I have a really competitive class).
Will it hurt me if my class rank isn’t that high, but my gpa is above 3.9? I don’t really understand the point of asking for class rank if they know your exact gpa?
Also, I think it’s unfortunate if just that 3 or 4 hour standardized test can so heavily impact the next four years of your life. I know colleges want smart people, but individuals who are determined, work hard, and are active outside of school should have equal consideration. I took this last Saturday, hoping for a 26, by the way.</p>

<p>A 3.92 uw GPA with a 16% class rank could mean a competitive school or grade inflation. Admissions should be familiar with your school being that it’s in MN and will decide which it is or some of both. If your particular class is more competitive than previous classes at your HS, that probably can’t be accounted for.</p>



<p>To see the rigor of your courses/how easy the classes at your high school are. But if you’re just going to go by what the chart says, which we’ve already established no longer is in effect at UW, and just reject people’s opinions, then why ask what your chances are?</p>

<p>I’m not rejecting anyone’s opinion. I was just simply kind of surprised that he thought I only had a 30% chance, but I guess he went from the chart. UW Madison and U of MN are my top two schools, I can’t decide between the two, so I’m just interested in people’s opinions. I wasn’t rejecting his opinions, just surprised.</p>

<p>I was just recently accepted to UW-Madison and here are my stats:</p>

<p>27 ACT
3.9 G.P.A. (weighted) 3.8 (unweighted)
Top 5% (16/324)
2 AP classes
In state
2 Recommendation Letters
5 extracurricular activities during High School </p>

<p>I think you are accepted for sure, especially if you get your ACT score up a point or two. Good Luck!</p>