Do you think I could get in?

<p>Hi! I'm going to apply to this college this fall, and I'm wondering what chance I have with these stats:</p>

<li>3.76 GPA (It's weighted, but my class doesn't unweight. It would probably be a 3.6-3.65 unweighted.)</li>
<li>1 AP class sophomore year (received a 4), 2 this year, and 2 next year
-28 ACT score (30 English 29 Math 8 Writing)
-MN resident
-Decent amount of extra curriculars (Key club since sophomore year, did Track and Field as well as the Speech team this year, and will be in Student Council senior year)
-60+ volunteering hours
-No class rank
-Letter recommendations will be probably be finished in October</li>

<p>So what chance do I have? Thanks!</p>


<p>Patience- wait for people to have time to surf and respond. Do apply. </p>

<p>I have to think you are a reach. I don’t know if the URM will help. For MN, I understand from an admissions rep that UW is trying to diversify their MN students more from outstate and less from the Twin Cities.</p>

<p>Really? I thought my GPA was within the average range. And my friends did tell me that a 28+ was the ideal ACT score.</p>

<p>I also did some work with unweighting my GPA. It would be a 3.65 UW. But then again, my school only carries the weighted GPA on the transcript.</p>

<p>You’re only average- you may or may not get instead of the many others with similar credentials. Worth applying but have other choices as well.</p>