Minorities & Extra-Curricular Leadership

<p>“I would PM you on how if I didn’t think you would put my business out on front street…lol”</p>

<p>That is negative, in essence saying I do not trust you.</p>

<p>Calling someone “arrogant” is both negative and offensive.</p>

<p>I did not have to search for anything, it was blatant.</p>

<p>And I am not sure how I got “high on myself.” </p>

<p>The University is a known nick-name for UVA.</p>

<p>“The University of Virginia (also The University,[4] Mr. Jefferson’s University, or Virginia; often abbreviated as U.Va. or UVA) is a public research university located in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, founded by Thomas Jefferson.”</p>

<p>In addition, the post below was created in 2007.
[Urban</a> Dictionary: the university](<a href=“http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=the+university]Urban”>Urban Dictionary: The University) </p>

<p>I do not need to defend UVA’s reputation. The acceptance rate for OOS students to UVA is not 1/3.</p>

<p>“That is negative, in essence saying I do not trust you.”</p>

<p>BINGO! You are a silver superstar! You’re better than my grandma. Though, I could have told you that a long time ago! I appreciate the information you provided me with and the time you spent to give it to me, but I do not know you and you do not know me–we are communicating via the “internets”. By all means,“Protect yourself at all times,”, but what a person comments about that doesn’t seriously effect you is nothing worth being so overly sensitive about–especially when the full intent of the message was to respond to you and thank you for your time.</p>

<p>“In addition, the post below was created in 2007.
Urban Dictionary: the university”
…Seriously?? One post. You probably added this…Nothing more will be said about this “linkage”, it speaks for itself.</p>

<p>My advice…highlights…notes for a lifetime…conclusion</p>

<p>Please take some sort of course at THE University (in which must of us can indeed be accepted) where you can learn to assess the tone and intent of a person when they write a message. Until then tread carefully when you think that you are smarter/can “out-argue” a person prior to complaint. <–And I place that word in quotations with the anticipation that you would in your next message, if I did not. I love your in-text quotations of my word choices by the way. It is a blessing and a burden knowing how negative people perceive and expect of others that–for some reason–they believe are below them…that is all I will say…</p>

<p>Cool Story, Bro</p>

<p>“I love your in-text quotations of my word choices by the way. It is a blessing and a burden knowing how negative people perceive and expect of others that–for some reason–they believe are below them”</p>

<p>“Cool Story, Bro”
Muchas Gracias! I wrote it in less time than it took you to read it (that was an ill intentioned remark btw). Though, search for the meaning in the above quote. I am not your “bro”, by family, fraternity or as possible through chromosomes (unless I get an operation). Why are you addresing me as such? Nice comback though…lol…Is THE Student stumped? ¿Por qué? ¡Si, es una vergüenza!</p>

<p>Chill no point in arguing here…What happened to aglages…</p>


<p>I think Affirmative Action is the best thing in the world. Why? Because it gives us African Americans a chance. And who thinks it is wrong? Those bitter people who are mad they didn’t get into a “top college”. Obviously no one “took your place” no one wanted you idiot.</p>

<p>Tell me what stands out more, </p>

<p>A intelligent African American, or an upperclass white person… Most likely that Black guy. Why? Because he probably been through somethings in his life.He may be rich, he may be poor. But he has definitely experienced discrimination all his life. And when he gets a break, some joke says its not fair…OH PLEASE! Who made you superior!? He gets into college(which he probably wouldn’t have had a shot otherwise, gets a better career, and he isn’t a statistic.</p>

<p>But putting that white dude into ONE college, is not going to ruin his life. He will be just fine. Because most likely, he has gotten into multiple. For crying out loud its not a big deal.</p>

<p>At the end of the day, white people still win. Whether we like it or not, we(just like when we were slaves) are getting handed bread crumbs.</p>

<p>So chill Agagles, you are still superior or what ever. But that won’t be long. Watch how you live your life. I’m suprised your not banned yet-__-</p>

<p>I hope this got under your skin to</p>


<p>@emmele </p>

<p>You are clearly a fool. Let’s breakdown and examine what you said.</p>

<p>(1)UVA has about a 1/3 acceptance rate…I and many others on this forum have the ability to get into this school any day of the week</p>

<p>The OOS acceptance rate for UVA is not 1/3. If you want to include “many others on this forum” then you are talking about a population in which the majority do not live in Virginia. The acceptance rate is 17%.
[Notes</a> from Peabody: The UVA Application Process: Admission statistics for the Class of 2015](<a href=“http://uvaapplication.blogspot.com/2011/03/admission-statistics-for-class-of-2015.html]Notes”>Notes from Peabody: The UVA Application Process: Admission statistics for the Class of 2015)</p>

<p>(2) I and many others on this forum have the ability to get into this school any day of the week…infact this school isn’t even one of my considerations.</p>

<p>Wrong again. If this were true then in the UVA 2015 admissions thread you would see that no one was denied. UVA is obviously in your “consideration”, on your “chance me “ thread you listed UVA twice.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/1065835-chance-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/1065835-chance-me.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>(3) the point is, don’t get too high on yourself…</p>

<p>I am not sure where this is coming from. If you are referring to my username, you should know, I made the name by combining lyrics from two songs that I enjoy.</p>

<p>If you are referring to the fact that I named by location THE University, it is because that is a known nickname for UVA. The fact that it was posted on UD in 2007 shows how long it was exposed to the Internet. Further, Wikipedia and Nation Master Encyclopedia broadcast this nick name to the world.</p>

<p>[NationMaster</a> - Encyclopedia: The University](<a href=“http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/The-University]NationMaster”>http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/The-University)
[University</a> of Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Virginia]University”>University of Virginia - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>(4) Why search for the negative and offensive when there is none in my comment and I was clearly thanking you for your help?</p>

<p>Calling someone “arrogant” is both negative and offensive.Personally, I do not care about your time at LEAD (I used the word “glad” to show diplomacy which is more for my image than caring for you). Your comments are both negative and offensive.</p>

<p>(5) “-I would PM you on how if I didn’t think you would put my business out on front street…lol</p>

<p>It all connects! When I saw your post on this thread I was wondering who would be arrogant enough to say they go to “THE University” but now I remember all the ish talking you were doing about UVA. “</p>

<p>The tone of your post is overwhelmingly negative. </p>

<p>In conclusion, you are a fool. </p>

<p>Good game, thanks for playing! ( In the chance that you respond please state facts, otherwise I will not bother replying to your erroneous claims.</p>

<p>bigshot…SHUT UPPPPPPP</p>

<p>Did you even read what I said.


Still here and happy to contribute some more to this discussion.

Do you have any idea how wrong this is? You are aware that there are African Americans that ALSO think AA is wrong…right? Now try to apply your statement to them. Oh wait. You can’t. There are PLENTY of people of all races that disagree with AA and it has nothing to do with who got rejected from where. Wrong is just wrong.</p>

<p>"“Our culture has done African Americans a great disservice by engendering a sense of entitlement among them, and they do themselves an even greater one by insisting on perpetuating that attitude.”</p>


<p>Looks like you should be taking your own advice.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/1210244-im-not-going-lie-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/1210244-im-not-going-lie-2.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>get a life.</p>

<p>that is all.</p>

<p>BTW, two different threads, about two different things.
I see you didn’t get the chance to actually read though huh</p>



<p>… Blacks are the LAST people to ever feel any type of entitlement. Really seriously, no. In any case we have to work THE HARDEST. And if anyone wants to help us along the way…hey I’m down. What are Blacks entitled to? What do we even have that we can say is ours “truely”? Everything a black person tries to do, depends on the white person to allow it. PLEASE, stop.
No one can ever understand how it feels to be black, unless you are black.</p>

<p>White people treat black people unequal in EVERYTHING, however when it comes to the point where they might not have the upper hand, then we need to be treated “equal”</p>



<p>I think I’m viewed as a minority struggling.</p>

<p>All that’s simply being said here is that African-Americans have to be better, in order to defend themselves and their race. Affirmative action is our countries way in apologizing for the way blacks were treated in the past. It does not differ from the “wet foot dry foot” law that benefits Cubans. It allows future generations of that ethnicity to be given a chance. Trust me race is not an excuse. Blacks have to work twice as hard than the white person to be treated fairly. Twenty years from now, This will all be irrelevant, whites will be a minority. Everyone is mixing and our generation doesn’t care about race.</p>

I’m not sure if ANY part of your post is accurate.

How many different countries are you referring to as “our”?
Interesting that you think AA is an apology for how your ancestors were treated…in the past. LoL

I don’t trust you and I don’t believe you.

Not true.

Is there no end to the insanity.</p>