<p>Are we the only ones who are puzzled about the minority status of an active poster on this board? It looks like we were not the only ones who thought she was black/white multi-racial. Is the story that she/you is/are actually white, with one parent who grew up in another country? Here is what I found in her posts:</p>
<p>Before March 10
TENNIS: ?total- 2079 64%...i have very good ec's?im a minority (if that matters)? ranked number one in my school?
OTHERS: what kind of minority?
TENNIS:?Im an "other" on all forms my moms indian and my dads white?
OTHERS: discussion of Asian Indian (and whether that?s URM or not) or Native American
TENNIS: ?um well my mom is west indian- she is from a island in the caribbean?
TENNIS: ?well i think my interview went good. we talked on the phone for about 50 minutes?</p>
<p>After March 10
TENNIS: ?accepted- (top school) im going there the only school applied to surprised i got in i only had a 69 ssat score?
OTHERS: ?Tennis, please mention you're a URM (black)?
TENNIS: ?umm ? im not black so why would you post that? imy dad is white and my moms from the caribbean she is not african American?
OTHERS: ?I can see Suze's confusion. I also thought you were a URM candidate based on your mother being from the Caribbean. While there are of course many whites in the Caribbean, I have found most describe themselves as British, French, Dutch etc.?
TENNIS: ?yeah i dont care. lol but my moms familywere not black immigrants from africa lol im just happy i got into SPS!?</p>
<p>Does it matter? Unless she has said something to make you think that this person lied on the application about minority status, what difference does it make?</p>
<p>I haven't examined the detail posted above, but I'm all for people fudging their information here on-line in order to protect their privacy. And if someone does this and doesn't keep their facts straight...well, that's far better than having them get their facts TOO straight and reveal who they are, whether it's to us or to an ADCOM that visits this site.</p>
<p>Playing loose with the facts about personal information here on CC doesn't make me the least bit suspicious that a person may have lied on an application. I'm as concerned of that having happened as I'm concerned that you applied to BS under the name "Inquiring mind" -- which is just one example of the kind of ruse we all use to protect our privacy on-line.</p>
<p>So, unless there's something I'm missing about some sort of wrongdoing or foul that's been committed...who cares?</p>
<p>BTW...having now read the above...I can reconcile everything that was said. The key is when suze asked "please mention you're a URM (black)" and the response was not to deny the URM but to react to the term "black." It's actually all consistent. Maybe not consistent with your assumptions of Caribbean people...but consistent in that she has claimed here on CC she has a non-black minority status based on her mom's ethnic heritage being indigenous to the Caribbean yet not a descendant of immigrants from Africa.</p>
<p>If you disagree, fine. But I'm not going to bother debating this point further until you make out the case why you're so offended to make it worth anyone's while to buy into your point.</p>
<p>omg this is so offending! im not gonna tell you my race its private. all i can say is that im a minority. ok ? stop posting my private information</p>
<p>She said that her mom was from the Caribbean. She only corrected the facts when Suze said "please mention you are a URM (black)" because she isn't African-American (black).</p>
<p>She's never NOT said that her mom was from the Caribbean. I completely agree with D'yer.</p>
<p>Against my better judgment I am going to weigh in here in Suze's defense and say that the poster in question was highlighting acceptances and a SSAT score lower than many of the candidates on this board. I think Suze's real point was that the applicant's minority status (regardless of exactly what minority she represents) probably figured into some of the decisions. Hopefully this was not really a personal attack on the applicant in question, but was intended to highlight an important part of the admissions process. Not to hijack this thread (although honestly the thread should probably just be dropped), but reading people's comments and expectations leading up to March 10 and then seeing actual results for a lot of very qualified candidates I believe people are significantly underestimating the value of being a legacy, development candidate or URM. Perhaps it is good that the students on this board retain enough idealism that they have a hard time accepting it, but I'm afraid in my older, more cynical point of view it a very large part of the admissions process.</p>
<p>I was talking recently with a parent of a child currently at one of the schools that figures prominently in discussions on this board. I think this family is third generation legacy at this school with something like 6-8 fairly close family members (parents, uncles, grandparents, etc.) who are alumni. Additionally, while this family not in a position to give millions, I am sure they have given generously to the school. They have another child who is still in middle school who by the parent's own admission is probably not at an academic level to be accepted at this school, but the admissions office has already given the parents the wink-wink, nudge-nudge that they want this other child to attend and admissions will not be a problem. To the parents credit they actually will likely send this child to a less prominent school that will be a better fit for the child's academic abilities and needs.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, very few things in life are a true meritocracy and boarding school admissions doesn't seem to be one of those things.</p>
<p>Yes, Biffgnar, that was my point - that people include all the relevant key data (no need for all the details) when sharing their exciting good news, for the benefit of all. I wish this candidate well, and hope she gets the FA she needs.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I was having trouble with the site the first 3 times I tried to post this!</p>
<p>There were quite a few applicants who gave detailed inquiries about their chances earlier on in the process, but who - as predicted - have not posted results. Even if these applicants did not have as "happy endings" as other posters, it would also be beneficial to hear their outcomes/plans.</p>
<p>Your point was to make the point that suze made before?</p>
<p>And to make your point you went through a series of posts from over a couple of months, gathered them together, implied that there's some sort of deception or lie and shared them with everyone almost two weeks after the fact in a new thread?</p>
<p>Ever hear of Private Message? You're an adult. She's thirteen, maybe fourteen. Her posts (as you've outlined them) were actually consistent. Yours (the two in this thread) are not.</p>
<p>If the idea was to set the record straight to create some sort of crazy database that compares "chances" threads to actual results, there's STILL no consensus as to whether this person is an ORM or URM. And it's her prerogative to keep certain facts close to the vest. It's quite possible that not everyone here wants to provide an accurate listing of personal facts about their applications or their outcomes. </p>
<p>Plenty of kids come here to get advice or simply to socialize. Their "chances" threads are, in my mind, firivolous fun...part of that socializing. Which is just one reason why it's pretty much insane to try to make that information foot with self-reported admission outcomes. But of all the reasons kids come here, I'm pretty sure that one of them is NOT to have adults compile their posts from over a couple months and call them out for perceived inaccuracies or inconsistencies (that actually don't exist).</p>
<p>In some caribbean islands there are many Indians (from the country India orginally). For example, the OP's mom could be from Trinidad, and of indian origin. She would still be considered a "minority" in the US, although possibly not a URM for college admission purposes-not sure about prep school. So, nothing she said seems strange- but I agree with her it's really not anyone else's concern.</p>
<p>prefect, you are absolutely right! A caribbean person can be of any ancestry, including east indian and amerindian. A large percentage of the population of Trinidad, as an example, is of east indian ancestry. Additionally, there are many Trinidadians that are of Venezuelan ancestry (which can be african, european, or amerindian). There are more than a few Trinidadians who are of chinese, arab, or british ancestry. And, of course, there are many who are of african ancestry. The person that the OP refers to could be any of the above - or a combination thereof.
I, too, agree that this should not be a concern for the OP.</p>