MIS undergraduate internships?

Been accepted to Binghamton School of Mgt as a Junior. Coming from the southwest US. Notice Binghamton is over 2 hours from NYC. Are their opportunities for MIS undergrad students to obtain internships in larger companies in NYC? If so, how does housing work in the summer?

Do you mean the Manhattan program or the one in Binghamton? The distance between the 2 is a little less than 200 miles.

Binghamton. I didn’t know there was a Manhattan one - for MIS undergraduate business?

Sorry-grad. My bad!

The distance then is a bit shy of 3 hours not 2 unless you are driving at an outrageous speed. The hold up is once you are close to the city. Things slow down a lot. It is something like 195 miles.

That’s good to know because we are considering a drive from LaGuardia in the next couple of weeks because I can’t seem to get any info re: this internship/job placement thing. E-mailed Bing but not really getting an answer. Makes me suspicious. Hence question here.

A lot of MIS majors also do accounting and then proceed to do IT stuff. I’m not an MIS major so idk the typical internship an MIS student gets