Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I love Barry of the BeeGees.

Have heard great things about Bohemian Rhapsody… unfortunately have to wait to see it. LondonKid is a hug fan and we agreed to see it together. Hoping it will still be in all theaters on Thanksgiving!

@london203 I made the same promise. Buuznkid was Freddie Mercury last Halloween…so to say this movie is long awaited in our house is an understatement!

I’m going to see it anyway, but not the most positive review of Bohemian Rhapsody in the NYT…

I want to see it too! (Although it has been pointed out to me that there are quite a few feature length documentary/concert videos available if I need a real Freddie Fix.)

Changing subjects – A fellow parent and I got to represent our school at a BS fair today as the school AO couldn’t travel. Nearly 30 BS were there, and about 120 kids/families attended. So interesting to be on the other side of the fence and observe potential applicants. Even more interesting was to observe the AOs and their interactions. And the swag… oh man! Some schools are OUT THERE!!

There was a little 12-year-old who was taking Calculus but wasn’t interested in Exeter because “their soccer team isn’t that good…” :-? One thing though, there are some fantastic kids out there, and you can’t miss them! It’s quite easy to pick them out of a crowd even if they are a little shy and don’t say much. The questions they ask, the way they light up when talking about something they are interested in, it’s priceless! It was fun…

@GoatMama , years ago, I was a parent vOlunteer at an admitted student event and met a delightful girl much as you described. She just had “it” in a very understated, charming way. A year later, I found myself sitting behind her at a theater production and was just so happy to see her in the community! I envy your day!

@GoatMama: I wanna know more about the swag…

@SevenDad Clone Halloween with Mardi Gras and you got a BS fair: large sunglasses, beads, wigs, scarves, stress balls, a screen toy with football posts (!!), and a dozen chachkies I have no name for. BTW, the George School table was right next to ours, and as I was chatting with the AO I said I’ve heard so many good things about the school. He asked more about it, and I said I knew some families whose kids graduated there. He asked about their names, and there I was, staring like a deer in you know what. @-) Ah…the anonymous CC friendships…

I’m still really missing my kid’s BS, and the contact I had with the other parents there… college is so different—I’ve had very little opportunity to connect with other parents there. Natural progression, I guess, but it’s been hard for me and I really treasure those times at her former school. Savor every moment, people— it goes by way to quickly and there’s really nothing else quite like it.

And on another subject— does anyone else realize that there are just about six weeks until the holidays? How does this happen!? Every year, I pledge that the holidays will not sneak up on me… but there goes Halloween and now it’s a slippery slope… !!!

@GoatMama: For the next time you run into George School admission people…“I think she was a fencer or something? And the parents are apparently very good looking.” :wink:

To change the subject back to movies…we just saw “Free Solo”, the documentary about climber Alex Honnold’s ascent of El Capitan without any ropes. That might be scarier than any horror movie. Well done, though. In limited release and highly recommend, especially if you’re a fan of the outdoors or national parks.

Also…if you are online now…tune into SNL to see SAS grad Maggie Rogers!

Aw, man…I had seen where she was going to be on and meant to DVR it…I’m too old for SNL hours these days…

@GoatMama , the fencing bit might not help, but the stunning parents would indeed be memorable!

Great advice, @cameo43! GoatKid2 cannot board, and I have a really hard time getting excited about our local options after his older sister’s BS experience. So I agree with you 100% (as I’m breaking the bank to visit as often as I can while she is still in BS).

Here’s a link to the second of the two songs Maggie Rogers performed on SNL this weekend:

And an Refinery29 post that touches on two recent thread topics:

Still love this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dDV7ArLkf4

@CaliMex: I’ve never seen that one! Thanks for sharing. As you can see/hear, she already had serious chops back in HS…definitely one of the standout performers of her era at SAS.

Maggie has soul…