Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

So we never made it out of Cambridge and into Boston. We also didn’t eat at any of the recommendations - but thanks for them anyway! We ate at Boston Burger, Roxy’s, Russell House Tavern, a crepe place near Tufts, and JP Licks. All yummy!

Does anyone have recommendations for a good place to buy hockey gear in the Hartford or Springfield area?

Many of the rinks will have connected shops that sell gear if this helps

@Golfgr8, as @chemmchimney says, the rinks generally have a shop. One of the best of those shops in this area — between Hartford and Springfield — is South Windsor Arena. Dumpy rink but good shop and larger than most. PM me is you want more info/directions.

Thanks CTMom21! I did find a place near Wocester that is a combination “package store” and hockey equipment store :)) …but I think I would trust your recommendation more…

@Golfgr8 , those things go together. Reminds me of the picture I saw on a girl scout selling cookies outside a marijuana dispensary!

There’s one closer in West Springfield., which is actually not a bad skate shop. And nothing helps pass the time watching junior on the rink than sharing a flask with the other hockey parents. :slight_smile: I know skimom would have liked appreciated suck one-stop shopping back in the day.

Not to change the subject (again), but has anyone mentioned how great the new “A Star Is Born” is yet?

Wait. There was one before??

JK, I know that there were 3 before. And yes, it is quite good. Who would have thought that Bradley Cooper has a future as a director?

There’s a movie thread over on the college parents forum, and it seems like pretty much everyone who has seen it really liked it. CameoKid and I saw it on vacation last week and thought it was great. Was surprised by how impressive Bradley Cooper was as actor and director… but Lady Gaga blew us away. I feel like she’s the next Bette Midler… what an amazing acting debut. She was so natural and totally believable. Loved their chemistry. Btw, the dog is actually Bradley Cooper’s pet. (I learned that over on the Other Side! LOL)

I saw it last night on a Girl’s Night Out and found it underwhelming and a bit boring (the story has been done to death). Didn’t care for any of the music. The guy had nice eyes though.

Hall are going to have to wait a while for my input…I’ve just now seen Mamma Mia.

Same here - I only recently saw the original Mamma Mia. I’m about 18 years behind on movies; what did I miss?

Can you believe that Meryl Streep has yet to respond to my letter asking for my $12 back?

Dear Lady Gaga…

Lol. They did have that soundtrack going for them, though!

@skieurope: I see Meryl at the grocery store pretty regularly… I can mention it… :wink:

I watched “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” Friday night on ABC. There was a commercial for Neutrogena Wrinkle Cream. I guess they are assuming that primarily oldsters watch that show, at least on network television. :slight_smile:

@ChoatieMom: I’ll admit there were 1-2 parts where I looked at my watch. But I sure found “Shallow” and “Maybe It’s Time” to be extremely catchy tunes…

I’m looking forward to the Queen biopic. Bee Gees fan that I am, no one holds a candle to Freddie Mercury’s talent.