Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

It’s not too bad yet on the wait list thread. And both photographermom and buuzn03 are in the trenches, trying to spread wisdom.

Thanks all, for your support! The ICCA competition was a great showcase of ten incredibly talented groups. Was an exciting time for CameoKid. WPI’s Audiophiles did a great job … sounded great and had fun choreography… and although they were not one of the two groups that moved on to the semifinals, they received a good score and comments from the judges. They were really thrilled to be there. The competition was fierce! How all of these kids are able to juggle those many hours of rehearsals along with their academic commitments is a mystery to me. I don’t know, @retiredfarmer, whether the vocals were recorded by ICCA, but I’ll tell you if I get any info on that.

I have to say that although it was a great evening, it was long!! I do like college acappella, but after last night, I’ve had enough to last me for awhile! :slight_smile:

In the second episode of season six - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - @ChoatieMom set fire to the WL thread while @Photographermom ( of all people ) did nothing and sipped sangria . Best. episode. ever.

No reason to let the effects of good Sangria go to waste, @PhotographerMom. :slight_smile:

OMG that sangria must be powerful stuff…

What do you get when you step out of your WAH job to judge the regional science fair???

The flu. Yep, that’s what you get.

Oh no! Feel better @buuzn03 !

Beat the flu, @buuzn03 !

In lieu of sangria: Netflix helps, but mom wins!

Question (asked by adviser every year): When things get tough or you have a bad day, how do you respond or recover (how do you take care of yourself in stressful situations, who do you turn to at SPS)?

My kid’s answers over the years:
Freshman year: I usually go to my friends. Depending on the situation I have different friends I can vent to who know what to say to me. If I am stressed I like to be outside and walk around or watch a Netflix show to take my mind off of things. I sometimes color too.
Sophomore year: Usually call my mom. Depends what’s going on I eat some ice cream or watch some Netflix. I don’t dwell too long on stuff so I am able to move on pretty well.
Junior year: I call my mom. I like to have my meltdown with my mom and then I’m over it.

Yay for mom. :smiley:

My kid blows something up or goes to the shooting range. :frowning:

@ChoatieMom I know it’s WP, but your comment made my day =))

Yeah, I probably should put some context to comments like that so some concerned CCer doesn’t report it to the authorities. Most people on this forum understand, though.

Oh nooooooo,@buuzn03! (You went and touched something at that science fair, didn’t you…?!) :wink:

Hope you feel better @buuzn03 . Are we talking about the big news story today on this thread or is that only discussed on the college threads @ Admissions bribery and cheating?

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. And @Golfgr8 idk about talking about it on cc, but we sure are talking about it at home.

Anyone who wants to join the discussion on the latest test cheating story can do so here:


Yes.Please do not start another thread. I must have shut down 25 today.

Hope you’re feeling better, @buuzn03 !

The most shocking revelation for me this week so far ? Hands down: Aunt Becky’s kids getting into USC as coxswains… :-w

Relevant to our kids’ ages…Very upset that this may impact students with real (not faked) LD and/or other conditions, who are in need of accommodations…Concern @ fall out an d increased cynicism from College Board and schools.