Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@Altras - Especially the kids who got in this year after not getting in last year. Always wonderful to see!! :slight_smile: So excited for them!!

@skieurope Actually, I was pretty surprised to think you might be a Pisces. Not your style at all. And I thought I had heard of another birthdate, anyway. But belated congratulations on achieving official adulthood. I think you probably years ago achieved more actual adulthood than most official adults ever manage!

Wait…I thought @skieurope was just a CC artificial intelligence program and search engine that always presented the most correct and concise answer to any and all problems. You mean he’s actually a person?! :smiley:

He says he is, but we have no proof.

I thought I would feel relieved today after decisions came out but I am just as stressed as I was last night. Plus reading the threads about looking at colleges as a sophomore freak me out because there’s just no break.

Eventually, it ends. My kids apply for things all the time now without my input or knowledge. Enjoy the participatory stress while you can! :-))

@twinsmama - My daughter is waiting to hear from Mercersburg, which just said they will email on 3/10. Do you remember what time your decision email came through? (Pretty sure your kids went to Mercersburg.)

@ABJ8888 decisions will be emailed tomorrow starting around 10am. (This is a change from when twinsmama’s and my older children applied several years ago… and they were waiting for us at 5am. Mercersburg has since switched to TSAO and changed a few other things.) Good luck!

Thanks @hellomaisy - I was just looking for the info. :slight_smile:

@hellomaisy Thanks! The waiting is like cruel and unusual punishment. She heard from 3 local day schools on the 1st and received an acceptance in the mail from another boarding school today. Just our luck that Mercersburg is going to be the single last school to notify. Fingers crossed.

@PhotographerMom stay away from the wait list thread!!!

@ABJ8888 - we are waiting to hear from Mercersburg also and I can barely function because I’m so anxious about it!

Good luck to everyone waiting for M10 news!

I will get a cocktail tonight after picking up S2 from airport for his last BS spring break trip home.

@busymommyof4 Right!?!? I’ve been useless for days. Once all of the other schools started notifying people on these boards I about lost my mind. Tomorrow morning can not come fast enough. I need a few cocktails.

Good luck!!!

@buuzn03 - LOL.

@busymommyof4 Mercersburg is local to me. Such a beautiful campus! I have many friends who graduated from there and have nothing but high praise for it. Hope you get good news soon.

Thank you @downislandgirl ! Where is your DD headed? Congrats! @ABJ8888 - any luck with package tracking? They posted a picture of packages, but I haven’t received any notices. We received one acceptance from a BS yesterday with a merit scholarship, but there are some hearts set on Mburg at our house!

Looking for the soundtrack of competition on internet! It should be artfully strung together with Orchestra, Jazz groups and professional performing graduates.

Repeat after me…“stay away from the train wreck called the Wait List thread. Stay away from the train wreck called the Wait List thread”.

Reminds me of a sarcastic saying I read some time ago - “Life’s short. Make sure you spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing with strangers.” =))

All you can do is put thoughts and ideas out there. Whether they change opinions is out of your control.