Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Shop on the way! Have fun, I love her!!!

Oooh have fun @buuzn03, I’m jealous! I love P!nk, I bet she puts on a great show!

@buuzn03 Have a great time! I haven’t seen P!nk, but I have heard that her concerts are fabulous!

I’ve seen her twice (and will see her again in June), and they are amazing shows. She’s doing Rock in Rio in the Fall, and I’m really hoping to go.

Damn. RIP Ranking Roger (of The English Beat and General Public).

One of my favorite songs of my HS years:

My daughter was given an interesting assignment to complete this spring through her summer camp. She was accepted into the CILT program (Camper in Leadership Training) for her final summer. The assignment given to the CILT’s is to set up a lunch and interview the most influential and inspiring leader you can. They are encouraged to start building their networking skills, and to really take them outside of their box to contact this person, buy them lunch, and interview them! I think the assignment in itself is awesome, though being in boarding school may pose some additional hurdles. It definitely got me thinking how beneficial this exercise could be in young people’s lives when needing to network and build relationships in their careers.

At a neighbor’s progressive, alternative private elementary school, the kids do independent reports and presentations on curriculum- related topics and one of the requirements is that they reach out to and interview an expert! I’ve always admired this practice for the reasons you outlined! Eight year olds interviewing experts!

DD and I are about to embark on the 7 hour drive to TAMU for the state science fair. She is competing and I am judging. They assigned me to a senior biomedical category…which worries me. I had requested the junior category, so I could be confident I’d be smarter than the majority of the kids I judged.
Oh well, lets see how good my acting skills are.

Goodluck @buuzn03 ! Have fun!

And Maggie Rogers is in NYC tonight. We all know why @SevenDad is so quiet!

@gardenstategal: Not tonight…but did get tix to her show at Radio City Music Hall in Oct!

Here is a shameless plug for GoatKid2, who turned 14 today! Unlike the dude in “Five Feet Apart,” he is kicking cystic fibrosis in the teeth (and is more handsome than Cole Sprouse too). He is ridiculously shy but has a wicked sense of humor. He loves history and gardening. He is a state math champ and a talented kart racer who has been expanding his parents’ horizons (and shrinking their bank account) by joining an adult racing league where he beats old dudes with names like Joe Killa and Twitch. When he wins the US Pro Kart Series, you’ll know him by his initials, TKO! :slight_smile:

Go get it Goatkid2! This is awesome to read. Happy birthday to your son. Chimneykid2.0 also drove a mean go-kart but has moved on to mom’s wheels (yikes!) We very much need people interested in studying history today - recently read that there are more history majors in the UK than the US.

Happy birthday goatkid2! Keep on doing what you are doing!!

I don’t know how many of you are following the college admissions scandal that closely, but this Atlantic piece posted this AM is savage.


An excerpt:
“Every parent assumed that whatever alchemy of good genes and good credit had gotten his child a spot at the prep school was the same one that would land him a spot at a hyper-selective college. It was true that a quarter of the class went to the Ivy League, and another quarter to places such as Stanford, MIT, and Amherst. But that still left half the class, and I was the one who had to tell their parents that they were going to have to be flexible. Before each meeting, I prepared a list of good colleges that the kid had a strong chance of getting into, but these parents didn’t want colleges their kids had a strong chance of getting into; they wanted colleges their kids didn’t have a chance in hell of getting into. A successful first meeting often consisted of walking them back from the crack pipe of Harvard to the Adderall crash of Middlebury and then scheduling a follow-up meeting to douse them with the bong water of Denison.”

My brother went to Denison. It is a fantastic school! (Michael Eisner did, too… )

@CaliMex: I think Denison was just a placeholder for less prestigious/less selective schools in the author’s extended metaphor…

@SevenDad thanks for posting that article. It’s the best thing I’ve read on the admissions scandal. And man, that author can write!

@cinnamon1212: Occasionally a bit TOO cruel?..but yes, very well written.

The thread on hiring a private college counselor is making me so insecure. Or I am already insecure and it is feeding the insecurity! (We are not hiring an outside consultant.) Just had to get that off my chest!

*maybe anxious is a better word than insecure