Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

As a nice distraction from the college insanity… @SevenDad, Maggie Rogers gifted a bunch of her Philadelphia concert tickets to current SAS students, and there is a fun picture on Instagram. If you are not on Instagram, just google SASDelaware Instagram to find it. Or I imagine that it will make the Friday newsletter.

@NDiver: I saw that! Such a great role model for the students, IMO. Been great to see her go from Engelhard to some of the biggest venues in the world!

“Bong water of Denison”… lol That’s the best thing I’ve read in a while. That said, I love our BS college counselor, and was so excited to hear he’s been promoted to head of the counseling office. He did an amazing job with our kid1… set our expectations at an appropriate level, hounded kid1 at an appropriate level, and in the end was exactly right on target with his projections. We gave him a case of beer at graduation as an inadequate, but sincere, recognition of gratitude. Looking forward to his efforts over the next 4 years with kid2, who is SO DIFFERENT from kid1.

PS: we have tickets to see Maggie Rogers this fall at Anthem in DC. We saw her last year touring with Mumford and then just last week in NC… so good!

Dang hellomaisy, you’re a Maggie Rogers superfan! As noted somewhere upstream, we got tix for Radio City in the fall. We were able to see her at a small venue in Philly early on, and sat with a gaggle of SAS peeps. She’s really quite good…and I’m happy to have been an early cheerleader for her here on CC.

@SevenDad we saw Mumford again in March in Charlottesville, but the opener was not MR as we had hoped, but someone named Cat Power. SUPER mellow and not nearly as good (no disrespect…) :slight_smile:

Cat Power (Chan Marshall) is one of those indie acts that you (the collective “you”) are supposed to like — but like you, I never cottoned to her sound.

Today was the first SPS parents global seated meal day, and we had a wonderful dinner with 6 local SPS families: 3 current and 3 new. We truly felt a part of a community.

I love that idea @GoatMama! I wish all schools would offer something like it.

It’s also nice it’s on April 10, so new families can join in. You guys need to suggest the idea to your schools! We could have All BS Parents global seated meal next April 10!

@GoatMama If you don’t mind my asking, how was this set up? Was it hosted by one family, or held at a restaurant? Did each family pay to participate, or was it underwritten by the school? Had some interesting conversations at a recent school event, and have heard from both alumni and current parents that our school needs to do a better job of making events more inclusive and accessible to all families.

@momof3nyc Below is info from the parent newsletter:

Based on the registration info, seated meals were held in 18 U.S. states and Canada. Large states (California, New York, etc.) had more than one seated meal per state, based on geographic location. It’s the first time the school is doing this, so I’m sure we’ll see an improve edition next year.

I like the idea of this, especially if it is potluck or hosted by a family. I find the idea of a restaurant someone less appealing because I think it can through up socioeconomic barriers for some families. It would be nice to have it open to folks from all socioeconomic levels including full FA families.

You can tell I wrote that when tired. :blush: Oh boy.

I like the idea of this, especially if it is potluck or hosted by a family. I find the idea of a restaurant somewhat less appealing because I think it can throw up socioeconomic barriers for some families. It would be nice to have it open to folks from all socioeconomic levels including full FA families.

Agree. Ours was hosted by a local family. Based on pictures I’ve seen so far, so were the other meals. It’s also more personable as you have time to mingle and get to know people before and after the meal.

SAS’s similar annual “toasts” (the 2019 edition was held last night) vary in format (up to the hosts, really).

Last year, my wife and I hosted one at a Princeton restaurant (mostly because we live in a rural area fairly distance from Princeton, where there is a density of SAS families). SAS offers a fixed per person reimbursement to hosts, and we picked up the balance of the tab (to keep it free for all attendees). Keep in mind that it’s intended to be cocktails and hors d’oeuvres…not a full-on meal. Last night’s gathering was held at home of a current parent and alum…also drinks and finger foods.

Regardless of format, it’s a great idea and an excellent opportunity to make some new friends and catch up with old ones.

Anyone else excited about Game of Thrones ?

We were flying last week and hit wicked turbulence… I mean unbelievable turbulence, and I felt so guilty because instead of thinking of my family or praying … all I had was : Please God- don’t make me miss Season 8…


We’re a bit behind. We just finished The Sopranos last night. So, 2008, here we come!


Lol photogmom… I think Derry Girls (Netflix) is the best show no one is watching. A second season is currently running in the UK, and I cannot WAIT for it to come here.

Any Killing Eve fans out there?