Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

For graduation event scheduling questions, here’s SPS’s schedule. Baccalaureate is the same day as graduation, in the morning with limited attendees due to limited chapel seats, while graduation is in the afternoon. Awards/prizes to seniors are given at the graduation ceremony. Awards/prizes for underclassman are given at a separate event the following fall. SPS schedule for graduation events is somewhat more compressed because they do alumni weekend the same weekend as graduation. This Saturday is for alumni events and graduation events are all on Sunday.


@Golfgr8, you may not have first day videos but you probably have, and will have, first day (and other momentous) photos and can make a BS photo book. I’ve been making photo books for my kids for their birthdays every year for a while, so now you’ve given me the idea to start planning for the high school graduation version :slight_smile:

Thanks, @CTMom21 - I did make a Revisit Week video and I am saving that one for the future…maybe when her kids want to apply to BS one day?..LOVE your idea for the photo book!

After reading the shenanigans on the School Dances thread, I thought I’d share a horrific story of bad judgement that happened at Saturday’s USMA graduation where one cadet was literally pulled out of the lineup into the stadium and separated for coming to post drunk the previous Tuesday from prematurely celebrating graduation with his parents. Parents kept pushing just one more celebratory drink on him, and he ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. The commandant was refusing all week to sign his diploma, but judgement was not final until grad morning. He will be separated, no diploma, and a $163,000 recoupment bill. Hard to fathom, but the Army cannot tolerate bad judgement among officers who are charged with the lives of others. SMH.

Ouch x 3!

Buuznkid2 and I are about to board a train to Manhattan. Seeing as how I 1) hate cities, 2) hate crowds & 3) am completely unfamiliar with mass transport…I’m about to pee my pants. ?? If there’s any of you that are in that area…I’m sure you’ll be able to pick me out from the crowd. Meanwhile, I’m sure DD is going to LOVE it!

Have fun, @buuzn03 !

@buuzn03 Sorry we missed you. We were in Manhattan last 4 days. We took Lyft/uber everywhere.

@payn4ward just our luck! It would’ve been awesome to touch base! We plan on walking…our main destination is about a mile from Penn Station. But I will definitely Uber if weather turns bad or my feet start hurting! It’s a new experience for sure!!

@buuzn03 Don’t forget about taxis. Sometimes they are more convenient than waiting for Uber/Lyft.

FWIW, I recommend walking the High Line down from the new Hudson Yards complex to the Whitney. The Biennal is going on right now, to boot (but get tix online in advance so you don’t have to wait in line).

PM me if you need restaurant or other suggestions.

^^ Great suggestion, especially for a nice day.



@ChoatieMom - the boy’s judgment was terrible, but what about his parents?? My God.

I doubt they’ll ever forgive themselves.

@buuzn03 -may I recommend The Shelburne as a hotel choice (if you have not already booked)–they have large rooms, wine hour, and are conveniently located 5 blocks from Grand Central on the East Side in Murray Hill. You may also want to check out MoMa’s exhibits “The Value of Good Design” (they essentially brought back the Mid-Century exhibit they had in the 1950’s), and the Joan Miro exhibit. Both were wonderful eye candy!

@buuzn03 --both MoMa exhibits are on until 6/15 :slight_smile:

@buuzn03 --oops, see you are already there. Or already gone? Good grief. If you’re still there, PM for some restaurant recs if you need them.

@itcannotbetrue @SevenDad thanks for the suggestions- I will definitely keep them in mind for our next trip because I didn’t see the posts until just now. It was a whirlwind trip which made for a very long day.

We were only in the city for about 4 hours, two of which were taken up by lessons. When we are able to go for a more leisurely trip, I’ll definitely heed your advice!!

@buuzn03 Hope you had a nice visit!

Never in my lift had a tornado warning in NY!!

Our flight got cancelled so we ended up spending another night. I wonder if SWA will send travel vouchers for this or not. I hope they do so that I can recover a bit of hotel cost.

Highly recommend the walk along the High Line and a visit to Hudson Yards. The line was long so we did not get on to the Vessel. We just walked around it.