Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Turntables are definitely a thing - and already on my son’s holiday wish list. (He starts early!)

I was once in a yoga class with JT several years ago up in the Lenox MA area…interesting…we all moved backwards to the back of the room so we wouldn’t be in front of him?. I have had a few 1960s - 1970’s musician sightings up in The Berkshires and also in Northampton MA. FWIW - the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge MA has a new exhibit “From Woodstock to The Moon” - 50th Anniversary tribute to both. Worth seeing if you are heading up there this summer.

DH is an audiophile and we not only listen to music on a turntable, he has a whole tube amp system. It’s amazing. DS bought his “own” first record a few years ago, and we have hundreds.

Turntable was item #1 on my kiddo’s list last year. The year before, the #1 request was a manual typewriter.

What’s a typewriter? :smiley:

What was the request from the year before? Carbon paper? A rotary phone? A 2,400 bit/s modem?

Ha! Lucky are the youngsters who never had to deal with the 2400 baud modem. It’s one of those sounds that will be forever ingrained in my memory, and not in a good way.

CaliKid has now moved on to clothes, and I suspect that’s where we will be for a while. Fortunately, CaliKid does not have expensive tastes.

@skieurope You jest, but when my eldest was in 5th grade, several of the girls in her class wanted their own manual typewriters because their teacher had several in the classroom and encouraged them to use them to write poetry in class. They were enamored!

What!!! The music sounds better on the grass with food from Guido’s. First time we got seats and ended up outside. I love Tanglewood. Not going to see James Taylor this year however.

A funny story to (hopefully) put things into perspective. A friend from CO just sent me a text and photo of her cat who - after several “application cycles” and years of trying - was accepted into the Cats 365 calendar for 2020! Over a thousand applicants and only 365 accepted. She said it was harder than getting her son into boarding school. To be honest, she said, she worked harder with the cat’s application ??

FYI and apropos of nothing (this IS the Misc Thread, right?)… this new website design is not great. Nice clean font choice, but you could drive a truck through all this white, open space. Because there is so much (valuable?) information on the site, surely a more compressed version would be more readable and instructive? At this point, I can’t see how I will be visiting as often if it stays as it is. PS that is all of yours cue to start crying loudly at the thought! :blush:

I know. I will have to dig and use a Text only browser on a terminal from my previous life, lynx come to mind…

If you click on Latest Posts, you will see that the most active thread on the forum right now is the “Fresh New Look…” thread that indicates (via north of 1600 posts) that reaction to the new format is 99% negative. Total train wreck. This is my cue to head toward the exit.

I haven’t been able to kick the habit but just look at a few bookmarked conversational threads like this one. God help anyone who is actually looking for information.

I think the new look needs to go back to the past. Really isn’t that useable.

I am also on less and mostly just sticking to my bookmarked threads. Grrrrrr

I feel totally disoriented by the new layout, so I just stopped visiting CC altogether. That’s my first post in a long time.

I’ll join the chorus in saying that the new site is dreadful. I tried to give it a chance but navigation is too cumbersome and clunky to make spending time here enjoyable.

Glad to see you @GoatMama! I haven’t gotten involved in the format debate, or even opened the thread. But I have finally sort of figured out how to navigate. On my phone it involves a dark blue block that has the main forum categories (on the home page) – on my laptop the box is white. Also, at the top of a thread, you can find the path of that thread; clicking on it is an easy way to get back to a specific root forum (that was the way I did it under the old format, too). So if you want to get somewhere other than the pathway/forum you are in, you can either click on the base of the path (located at the top of the thread) or go back to the home page and start fresh.

It isn’t so different once you get used to where to look. Please come back!

Thanks, @CateCAParent! I will try.

I’ve got the first positive thing to say about the new format that anyone has said about it.

Or, well, the nicest thing anyone has probably said about this honestly godawful format.

The phone and computer version are more consistent with this. Last format, I couldn’t even LOOK at mobile, that’s how bad it was. I always used CC on my computer because I couldn’t stand the version that popped up on mobile. (Not the one with the app, btw). It was worse than the new format.

But yes. Too much white space, the text is too thin, I can’t find any of my favoured threads since I haven’t bookmarked them, just know them by name… No relevant info is popping up and everyone else hates it as much if not more than I do, so I know I’m not just crazy. I really wish they’d never changed the format…