Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Sorry, I just realized I was a bit of an interloper/highjacker. :neutral: didn’t mean to do that!

An Irish Prayer for today - St Patrick’s Day - that seems fitting…

May the road rise to
Meet you
May the wind be always at your back…
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And until we meet again
May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand???

Definitely not! Welcome back!

Re: getting annoyed at seeing kids get together – UGH. It is making me so angry that people think this is about them and their individual risk level. I feel like shouting: We are trying to flatten the curve people!!!

Not isolating is like tagging along behind an ambulance when all the other cars on the highway pull over and saying to yourself “I’m not ruining anything – the road is wide open!”

Some people are so convinced that the “please remain seated until the captain turns off the seatbelt signs” of life don’t apply to them.
I have to stay off social media because it makes me too angry right now.

@Calliemomofgirls I hear ya! Especially when you have a family member who is so vulnerable. I feel the same way about those who don’t vaccinate. It’s more than just about protecting yourself. It’s about protecting a community - everyone around you.
Stay safe everyone! And stay sane…Survivor- COVID19 is going live at homes all across the nation!

Oh—and if I didn’t make myself clear, DD was NOT allowed to meet her friends at the park and the eye roll was followed by a stern lecture…to which I received a reciprocal eye roll and sigh.

It looks like the dominoes are starting to fall — DS heard about Choate and Loomis closing for the rest of the year and also said Andover, Exeter, Avon, Westminster (?) and a few others have done the same (though that’s the word of a 17 y.o. — I haven’t heard from other parents). Founders League spring sports are cancelled. I suspect most or all BSs, at least in New England, are soon to follow.

Kent’s original return date of April 12 was always tentative, and now that has officially been taken off the table. The school is still holding out hope that the kids will finish the year on campus, but my guess is that in the next few days that hope will be dashed, and the logistical questions about move out will begin.

Take it seriously, Two neighbors (3 blocks away) have it and are in ICU. My DH is telling me that the demand is so high in Seattle that patients are sharing vents.

Praying that you all and your loved ones are safe.

Just found out that work colleague and his kids have had fevers/symptoms since last week - he came to our shared office on Thursday and didn’t say anything about it to anyone until today (via conference call - now that we are sheltering in place).

I wasn’t in the office when he was, but he hung out in the doorway of someone I work closely with (who has asthma) talking about how he managed to catch a show in the city just before everything shut down.

No words.

^wow. Well, we received good news. The kiddo we were with no longer has fever…it appeared to be a 24 hour stomach bug. Whew. I feel like we dodged a bullet.
Unfortunately, my husband still has to work and interact with people in person. He’s doing his best to use every precaution. Purell and Clorox wipes are starting to run low in our household.

Exeter made the official announcement today - online learning for the rest of the term, pass/fail grading. DS returned yesterday morning from his school spring break trip to Utah, and casually mentioned that two of the kids on the trip (including one who he shared a tent with for 10 days) were “really sick…coughing and stuff? I don’t think they had a fever. Well, one of them did.” We’re now trying time isolate DS from the rest of us - as a type 1 diabetic, getting sick will be disastrous for me. I also work in healthcare, and while I’m able to work from home, just got a text from a co-worker that our main hospital is recalling our small satellite office’s supply of masks and gloves, because they’re already getting worried about having enough. There’s no other way to see this than as very, very, very bad. Stay safe, everyone.

Thinking of you @momof3nyc as a wife, aunt and mom to type 1 diabetics, I feel for you.

Prayers for you @momof3nyc ! Let us know how things go.

Andover announced Monday everything pass/fail for spring term and a further delayed return to in person classes until 5/1. Stay safe everyone.

Doesn’t make me feel good that a sick friend returning from level 2 country (major metro area) who was scanned at airport and sent to ER for testing has not gotten results. It has been almost a week! He was sick enoough that he self-quarantined but by the time they know if he should have been contacting folks (like the person who sat next to him on the plane for 9 hours?), there will be so much water over the dam.

His whole family was planning to quarantine when he returned (even before he got sick). But this?

@gardenstategal The water over the dam was all the people traveling for the past several weeks before there was any screening at all. I am on a Facebook group for parents of students studying abroad. Almost all of them were pulled home or chose to go home. Almost none were screened in ANY way at the point of origin or the point of arrival. Only the most recent arrivals might have been told to self-quarantine once they got home, and not all are doing it. Few of these kids will notice if they get it, but they (among other travelers) will by now have spread the virus pretty much everywhere. My own girl is still in Paris, after some frantic back-and-forth texting between her host mom and me and my husband the day before it became impossible for her to leave. I wish I were the kind of mom who would have insisted she come home a couple of weeks ago.

Prayers for you @momof3nyc ! Let us know how things go. Sorry @gardenstategal to hear about your friend. Our neighbor waited 5 days! There is a new supply of tests available later this week with more rapid results. Three testing sites with this test will begin here on Friday.


Ugh — best wishes to all of you who are now dealing with uncertainty about your or your family’s health.

@twinsmama we are all just doing the best we can in these surreal times, don’t beat yourself up.

@twinsmama , :heart::heart: to you. I understand why you want her home. Glad you can be in touch. She may have a more interesting version of the covid 19 crisis when this is all over. Instead of a run on TP, a run on wine? Cheese?