Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Oh dear.

Hopefully it’s just the flu. Yes, we’ve come to that…

Oh, @buuzn03. Fingers crossed that it’s only a cold or the flu . UGH.

Hi All - just had an update from seen @ Twines & Vines posting more emails from schools about possibly extending this situation longer than expected - also some new emails from MPS & Loomis. If your kids go to schools with new updates, please share.


We offered to take in a student from China, but the parents said San Francisco was too risky!

@CaliMex I agree with the parents. China has no new cases except for those arriving from abroad.

A friend had a boarder staying with them for spring break. His parents in Asia want him back- feel it’s safer there.

@GoatMama - that’s amazing. Sort of reminds me of that line from Devil Wears Prada: I’m one good stomach flu away from my goal weight.

@gardenstategal I totally get wanting kids to be home and I don’t disagree they may be safer in Asia at this point (and in any event being with family seems the right thing at this point) but doing online learning with that much of a time difference will be a logistical nightmare. Since the classes are all supposed to have real time component, even the CA kids are going to end up with very screwed up schedule (for East coast schools), let alone kids on another continent. Some families are trying to unenroll for the spring term for this reason but I don’t know how realistic it is. My kid told me last night several of his friends posted that their schools called the spring term being all online already, ours has not yet but writing is on the wall for all. Online learning with global population of students will be a major challenge though.

@417WHB , it’s going to be interesting. It’s going to have to be a hybrid of some sort, I suspect, to actually work.

I have taken online classes that have done this - certain material is available on demand but there is also group work that people do with others who share similar schedules.

Realistically, none of it is anything like a residential experience. And it’s lousy for students who picked their schools for the personal interaction in the classroom.

There are schools that have somewhat robust platforms already (more big universities with MOOCs) who are probably going to handle this transition with more grace than schools whose models are based on being together. Harkness adherents may struggle the most to replicate their experience online.

This wasn’t in anyone’s plans 3 months ago.

I’m sure the schools with international populations are discussing this. I have heard that Peddie is incorporating plans for asynchronous learning into their online plan to accommodate people in different time zones.
I have also take a Coursera class that worked as @gardenstategal described.

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@Golfgr8 our kids are seeing the same info. DS told me last night that Loomis and MPS had basically cancelled graduation and were anticipating being out all term.

DS has started getting communications from faculty about classes and college counseling, and there was a parent conference call over the weekend for his team — it’s been nice just to hear any communication and hear live voices, even if there’s little definitive info to report.

Is anyone else annoyed by the lack of distancing of kids’ friends? Mine keep getting snapchats and tiki’s tocs with kids all crammed together. Prompting my kids to say “why can my friends hang out if I can’t?”

@one1ofeach I am with you. I could sort of see it with HS kids who have been in school together all along (though my kid is on his own) but my college kid just told me wistfully last night how all her HS friends now back in town got together (12+ kids). I had said no way, she just got back home on Sunday and I was under the impression all college kids returning should more or less quarantine. But no, all these germs from around the country have to be combined and passed around.

Thanks for being responsible parents.

I’m getting it from my 12 year old. She thought that as long as she and her friends were outside it would be ok. (Insert eye roll by both myself and DS).

Can’t escape stupidity. The Spring Break crowds who have been asked to leave Miami beaches and who are now faced with closures of bars & restaurants are moving north up the coast. There are thousands of college and high school students here on Spring Break. Hotel pools are crowded.

  • If you have kids on Spring Break let us know what you are planning and if they are able to even get home.

Yes @one1ofeach - my kid is getting snaps, instagram and tictock from HS kids down here who are hanging out at hotel pools and going to big parties. We made Kiddo stay home with us all weekend and the tears of frustration are starting. Local kids are not keep social distance and we HAVE 2 people with confirmed cases (now in ICU) from our neighborhood!

Don’t be surprised to see more and more areas go into lockdown mode to compensate for selfish idiots.

I have to be responsible - I have real live people to protect. A friend of mine, who is ultra high risk, said to me the other day “I don’t want to die.” And I am pissed that stupid parents don’t have to deal with someone they love saying that!!!

Hello all! Haven’t been around in a while, but I’ve been lurking considerably with long remote days.

Choate just closed for the rest of the term (eight weeks). Graduation ceremonies are week nine. . . we are really hoping that these kids get to go back to campus to celebrate their hard-earned achievements.

To my knowledge Loomis and Lawrenceville have also told their students to stay home as well. . .