Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@chemmchimney–hoping that you all can stay ahead of this. Virtual hugs and prayers to your family.

Are you in a state with mobile testing? We don’t yet have it here :frowning:

@chemmchimney I hope you and your family get better!
I have some news of my own. For the first time in I don’t know how long, my daughter admitted that she will actually miss me. Also, I went through my thread and I went through the advice I have received. My daughter will be going next year to boarding school, and we decided to get her back into therapy until she leaves. For now, it will be Zoom meetings, but we decided it would help her transition. On the coronavirus side, multiple kids at our school have gotten coronavirus, and we are all on high alert. My kid isn’t leaving the house for a while unfortunately, can’t risk it with everything happening right now.

Does anyone know about this “flagged for moderation” thing? I’ve had this happen frequently lately…I’m not sure why. If I’m not being appropriate or kind on my posts, I’d hope y’all would let me know.
A few of my posts never showed up after this flag either…but I was never told what was wrong with them.
Is it just a random thing or does this mean I’m on probation…?

Moderator’s Note:
Flagged for moderation means you tried to post a link to some place not allowed (like facebook or google docs). Or used a bad word, or you had a bad typo that made a word not allowed.

^new font without reading glasses = moderator flag. ? I hate getting old…

@chemmchimney Speedy recovery wishes going out to your family!

Yes @chemmchimney - praying for you and your family!! Please keep us updated…thinking of you all!!

@buuzn03 --I have never seen you post anything inappropriate in any forum.

Update and tears…Deerfield just folded: Not returning to school this semester for classes.

Oh I’m so sorry @Golfgr8. It is so sad. Darrow just called it too- no returning this semester. Thank you to all my CC buddies who wished us good health. Chimneydad seems to be making a full recovery. I thought I had dodged a bullet but tonight I am not so sure as some symptoms have flared up again. However, today is a banner day in our house! This morning Chimneykid 1 (BS class of 2016) accepted her first job in Boston starting as soon as it’s safe to travel, and this afternoon she defended her thesis via Zoom and was granted Highest Honors (Summa Cum Laude) by her committee. So even though I am not feeling so hot, I have been smiling all day! I have no idea what is ahead in the next few weeks for my two 2020s, or indeed for all of us, but today was a bright spot.

Congrats to your Chimneykid! Thanks for sharing your good news and lifting our spirits, too!
Sorry, however, about Darrow calling it.

@chemmchimney take care of yourself! I’m sending positive, healing vibes! And give chimneykid a huge congratulatory hug from us! That’s awesome!
Now, go rest and get better!

Feel better @chemmchimney and good health wishes to your family, too!

Congrats @chemmchimney! How exciting! And I hope you are only mildly affected and that you and DH make a quick recovery.

@chemmchimney I have been checking here daily to see how you are and I’m SO HAPPY to see you posting good news! I hope you are all making a quick recovery!!

@chemmchimney Best medicine! Yay!

@buuzn03 I read:

“^new font without reading glasses = moderator flag. ? I hate getting old…”

…which immediately sent me searching around the coffee table for my reading glasses, even patting the table as if I had no vision at all.

They were on my face.

@LeeLeeB I’ve done that numerous times ?? My kids have had the honor of being seen in public with me and 3 pair on my head! Two readers and a pair of sunglasses ?

My reading glasses now service as eye protection - along with my face mask!

@buuzn03 Three pairs, well that is awesome. ? My former “better than 20/20” self is not there yet. But sure it is coming.

Hey, guess my news? We signed contract & paid downpayment yesterday!!! Our boy is for sure going to be a boarding school student next year (first ever in family)!!