Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Congratulations @LeeLeeB ! DS was the first in our families. (My parents were the first in their families to go to college.). Hang on! Get ready for one exhilarating ride!

Just got a credit from DS’ college on the statement.

Still hoping they can somehow have senior week and commencement but realize the public health nightmare this could be. But still hoping!

DD (college Jr) was supposed to get her parking request form today for next fall.
It is always a big deal where the kids wait breathlessly for the email since it is first come first serve.
And…nothing. Eventually they got an email that the forms won’t be sent for the time being.
This doesn’t bode well.
I am so anxious about the fall semester.

@LeeLeeB Congratulations!
@chemmchimney Congratulations and I hope you are recovering. Take it slow and get lots of rest.
@gardenstategal Glad you officially got the credit. Hopefully we can all get back to normal at some point.

Thanks @buuzn03! I’m really excited!! Want to buy a million shirts, a visor for my son, a pennant for his room!

We are on the mend here and no longer contagious I believe. Phew. Thanks for all the shout outs CCers. I thought I would share my BS advisor’s/drama teacher’s FB post here as she says so beautifully the outlook I would hope my children’s teachers would have right now. Be well CC friends!

Director of Performing Arts, actual superhero, and all-around incredible human Jennifer Pytleski has the best advice for our community:

“To Our Daring Darrow School students soon to be embarking on our distance learning adventures in a week; I wanted to share with you a song that helped me run up a mountain that I had once thought of as impossible to ever walk up let alone run (well slow motion jog, which is a specialty of mine). As the song poured through my headphones today I wanted to embrace all of YOU & remind YOU how brilliant, bold, and beautiful each of YOU are. CONGRATULATION on such a successful 3 quarters of the school year! This next quarter is going to be unlike anything any of us have experienced, trust your teachers when they let you know that it is NOT ABOUT GRADES & it is not about picking up where we left off with you in our classrooms. This quarter is about connecting with each of you, SUPPORTING wherever YOU & YOUR FAMILIES ARE AT & creating new ideas & understandings about how we can learn together. YES there will be times when you are so tired of emails, Zoom chats, & more emails that you will need to step back, breathe, & then reconnect. Remember that you are not alone & that this mountainside community exists in our heads, hearts & guts whether we are around each other or not. So take a deep breath, find ways for your soul to shine, & let’s get up this mountain together my dear Darrow Ducks! Much Love & Light ~ Miss Pytleski”

Heavy sigh of relief…after a lengthy family meeting DS stated “we have reached a decision” and with that BS (in theory) is now a reality. All of the advice and stories you have all shared via the CC community were referenced, read into the record (this is what happens with 2 attorneys for parents) and reviewed and they were all very helpful.

ChemmChimney so glad to read good health is returning to your house!!

Good luck to all in staying safe and healthy!!!

Congrats on reaching consensus @D1swim2kidshoop! Welcome to the club!

HAPPY EASTER weekend everyone! I hope you are spending it with the ones you love most!

Happy April 10th Everyone! Congrats to those students on CC who have made their decisions and commitments…I know some schools have extended decision time…but congrats to all!

Congratulations @D1swim2kidshoop and the other students who have made their decisions!

Congratulations @D1swim2kidshoop and others for the decisions!
Happy Easter weekend!

Interesting article (from Inside Higher Ed) on COVID and the impact on colleges, as well as how next year’s admissions might be impacted.


Misc. Quarantine Update:

Everyone is ready to vote Photodad off Quarantine Island for way too many reasons to list, but April Fools Day was actually the final straw. He had way too much time on his hands to plan and execute - and he is completely evil.

Rambling thoughts: If this ever happens again ( God forbid ) don’t ever allow your kids to invite their girlfriends, friends or have assorted nieces and nephews ( in their 20’s ) quarantine with you…

Did I mention girlfriends?

For family- don’t fall for some lame sibling sob story about wanting more " quality time " with a spouse without first getting a firm end date for sheltering their kids signed in blood. I have two semi- wild ones out of the four here now who are currently enrolled in the Photodad School on how to be a sober- productive human being .

Lucky them!

Today- they were outside at 6am cleaning our woods of brush and fallen limbs. PhotoDad: I want only a carpet of leaves when you’re finished. Earlier in quarantine, it had been one big slugfest- never- ending party. I was ready to drive them to upstate NY and drop them off in a cornfield.

The college and work friends are actually three terrific guys who got stuck and didn’t have anywhere else to go. This was the one group that I feared the most because I didn’t know them well, but they turned out to be my greatest joy. Even though they’re still working at their jobs from here - they have been so helpful around the house and so much fun. I never want them to leave!! We watched old classic movies last night ( they had never seen Topper or Now Voyager !! ) and we made cocktail recipes from the 1930s.

FWIW- Grasshoppers and the Pink Lady are still absolutely disgusting…

The girlfriends… not so much, but I’ll try to be diplomatic. Both had homes and parents to go to… but somehow…

(Staring at the wall - voice trailing off… )

Let’s just say both GF relationships with the boys have been tested … and there has been no escape - for anyone including the dogs . Our house is on the larger side , but trust me- San Simeon wouldn’t be large enough for these GFs or this group and dynamic. Wow- I could’ve really gone off there but I didn’t - Progress!!

The good news? Everyone is healthy - including our high risk elderly family members living in their homes or in Seniortopia, and I am the Yahtzee Champion of the World. Yes, we do Zoom game nights with the gang.

The bad news ? One brother in law was very ill with the virus, but he’s doing much better now . Hail to his amazing medical team!! Really scary stuff and we’re so grateful and relieved.

Also - having had minimal prolonged exposure to my kids over too many years, I find myself waking up every morning singing - Getting to know you… Getting to know all about you… in the shower. That’s bad, right?

More bad news: K2 reports that he has more than enough material ( from this quarantine alone ) for two novels - and it’s not even over yet. Worst news eve r: Half my family is in Publishing so he’ll definitely get published and we’re all screwed.

In the end - We’re all very blessed - even with endless quarantine and cancelled everything. In our family - one college graduation, two Gold Anniversary celebrations ( my greatest heartache ), and three big weddings were canceled.

In the same spirit - especially with K1’s GF- I’ve already cancelled at least one plausible future rehearsal dinner … in my mind … if you know what I mean.

Hey- whatever gets you through the day.

In sum - my heart is more full in all the ways that really count, and I feel incredibly blessed, but if I’ve learned anything during this quarantine- it’s how you have to balance absolutely everything with humor- a lot of humor.

Anyway- I hope everyone is safe, healthy and doing well!! :slight_smile: I’d love to hear quarantine updates and how everyone is doing!!

Oh! And my one big quarantine survival tip ( I’d love to hear yours!! ) : Daily Harvest smoothies - as a meal replacement - otherwise I’d be ordering muumuus from the VT. Country Store . :slight_smile:

Got word this morning that my SIL’s BIL died last night from complications of what was most likely COVID-19. My brother, SIL, SIL’s sister and her husband (the BIL) came back from a cruise after Christmas, and all four became very ill for almost three weeks with what they thought was pneumonia. BIL was ventilated for several days but “recovered” though his lungs were wrecked, and he went on a list for a double lung transplant. He’s been home and on oxygen since January, but lost the battle last night. He will be cremated, no funeral. He is someone DH and I have known for more than 30 years. Much sadness in our house right now.

@ChoatieMom - I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you and your family.

My brother in law came very, very close and it’s a miracle that he made it.

I am terribly sorry, @ChoatieMom .

One of the awful things about this illness is that being highly contagious, families are being hit very hard.

Wishing you all comfort.

Hugs and prayers to your family @ChoatieMom

Oh @ChoatieMom I am so very sorry. How horrible. Sending you hugs from afar.

so very sorry for your loss