Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Must-read article…

I know the quarantine has created a kind of weird time warp, at least for me… I thought when I began working isolated at home that time would drag, but the days have been flying by. Even that, though, does not explain how, as of this afternoon, my kid is now a college senior!!! I joined this forum during her BS application year. It just doesn’t seem possible… seriously!! And though I’ve ventured over to the college side of the board from time to time, The parents I’ve bonded with here on the BS sub-forum will always be my favorites. :slight_smile:

Hi @cameo43 , we’ve missed you!

I posted this on the Bragging thread, but thought I’d share it here as it’s still hard to wrap our heads around that our BS kid is now a homeowner:

Where does the time go? We’re beginning to feel completely superfluous and irrelevant, but I guess this is the day we were planning for when we invested in the best education he could consume.

Congrats to ChoatieLT! You must be so proud for so many reasons.

Woohoo! ?? Congrats to Choatiekid, ahem, ChoatieLT!! CC parent party at his house! I’ll bring the chips!

Congrats @ChoatieMom !! Yep, it’s amazing how fast time flies. And sadly, by doing our best as parents --the most we can hope for is happy kids who appreciate their education. Great job.

Wonderful news - and not surprising. Great job!

Congrats to ChoatieLT and @ChoatieMom /parents! You must be so proud of him!

Congrats to ChoatieLT …imaginging that house in JawJah is near a sweet golf course!

Now, for the ridiculous news of the day…the Gunnery School Lawsuit makes headlines…


Is it just me who suspects it wasn’t just the profanity that got this kid expelled?

Tip off: he has parents who sue over this (so says an attorney).

Btw - I couldn’t find anything more than the title and the picture when I clicked on the link. Inquiring minds want to know more!

Sorry about that - lets see if this link works. Interesting case…I believe it was because the student directed profanity at a faculty member or coach? The legal beagles from CT are weighing in on this case.


Gee, I hope this is more than a simple use of profanity (can’t see any more than the headline) or I probably would would have been expelled from kindergarten. Sure, words matter, but the proper use of profanity is an art. I’m still teaching it to anyone who’ll listen. :wink:

His attorneys admit there were prior disciplinary issues. Sounds like the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Parents say the school knew he was brash and impulsive based on a neuropsych eval and admitted him anyway.

I read the complaint ?.

He ended up at The Gunnery after his parents sued his school district alleging they didn’t provide him an educational program consistent with his IEP. The Gunnery admitted him (Sounds like outside of the normal admissions process) after satisfying themselves his learning disabilities would be something they could accommodate.

The complaint describes football as an accommodation under his IEP. (?) He was a “three sport varsity athlete” (in a school of 300 isn’t every senior a three sport varsity athlete?). He was captain of the football team. He was thriving at The Gunnery until…

His side of the story is that the football coach was verbally abusive to him (it was the coach who picked him to be captain btw) and was a terrible coach - they had a horrible losing season. He politely made a simple suggestion during a game, and the coach went unhinged - yelling at him and calling him stupid and a moron in front of everyone. After the game the coach reported him for disciplinary action. The complaint doesn’t say what the curse word was.

Even though he had only been on probation once before (a misunderstanding, dontcha know), and only had 8 infractions so far (this was November) in 2019, and a teacher had recently praised him for doing “a good job” on a project, the school completely disregarded their disciplinary process, expelled him because of his learning disability (the coach called him stupid) and took away his reasonable accommodation (football - oh btw it was the last game of the season).

Oh and for good measure he threw in an allegation that another student used the N word this year and he didn’t get expelled, so clearly it was about discrimination over his learning disability.

He is alleging breach of contract and Negligence, and he wants the school to take him back, even though he will be graduating from his public high school this year.

The school filed a motion to dismiss, which is pending.

Not the best complaint I have ever read by a long shot.

Apparently this kid was also on probation for academic dishonesty and had been ejected from a football game and lost his temper, calling his parents expletives when they went to apologize to the coach. There is a lot going on here and its unfortunate that the headline implies its a simple issue of freedom of speech.

Kid sounds incredibly entitled and, by launching this suit, his parents aren’t doing him any favors. I wonder what college he’s going to…

The boy’s parents authorized a law firm to issue a press release regarding the lawsuit.

There may be grounds for a lawsuit. Regardless, the parents don’t care a whit about their son’s privacy and are willing to have his behaviour and diagnoses, disciplinary background, learning disability, and academic file aired out in the public domain.


The dad owns a public relations firm, and apparently welcomes the publicity over this matter.

Here is the law firm press release.


There is a whole legal process for learning disability based disputes that protects the privacy of the minor. According to the complaint the family had already availed themselves of it once - regarding his prior high school. So why they went this route makes no sense. In fact, I would think the lawsuit would be kicked out just for being the wrong forum.

Why parents would put their kid through a lawsuit, smh.

Here’s the motion to dismiss ny the school: http://civilinquiry.jud.ct.gov/DocumentInquiry/DocumentInquiry.aspx?DocumentNo=19063427

Paints a very different picture, and sounds much more consistent with how boarding schools act.

@SportyPrep raises an interesting point. Lawsuit publicity will haunt this poor kid for years. How is this advocating for their child’s best interest?

We can pick up DS’s dorm stuff next week! Woohoo!!!