Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Sad. Student as victim mentality. I see students and parents like this at the college I work at. No one wins-- especially the kid.

Also, why does the press release refer to The Gunnery as “The Gunnery, Incorporated?”

@carpoolingma --we found out that we will have to wait until the end of June to get DD’s goods mailed!

End of June!!! Yikes!

Must be the school’s legal name as one of the legal docs linked here referred to it as such.

I got sucked into the juicy juxtapositional (is that a word?) reading that @SportyPrep and @CateCAParent posted. All I can say is wow.

I can’t believe how much time I have devoted to reading The Gunnery case!

After going through the supporting docs, I can’t help but think this kid has a significant developmental disability or mental illness and needed to be in a therapeutic setting. His isn’t just spoiled kid behavior. He has huge impulse control problems and anger management problems- no doubt documented and diagnosed in his IEP.

Now I am just sad.

He had no business being in a mainstream boarding school. He needed a LOT of specialized attention, which The Gunnery was not designed or trained to provide. Placing him there, and keeping him there when it was apparent by the end of his junior year (at the latest) that he wasn’t getting what he needed, put him and the other students at risk. It was really unfair to the other students who endured a lot and had their boarding school experience compromised.

The parent and the school failed him, imo.

@ChoatieMom, Amazing!

Congrats to ChoatieLT @ChoatieMom! Wonderful news!

Interesting article in WSJ @ how college admissions will change after Covid crisis. Experts weigh in.

Hoping the link comes through.


In case you missed it… instagram pages @ racism at prep schools


HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all our CC dads out there! I hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by those who’ve made you a father! :heart:?:heart:

Kiddo had a friend over Saturday- his first since the lock down. We haven’t had anyone over at all before this visit.

It was a newly graduated Cate senior who he is really tight with, and this was going to be the only chance to see him before he goes off to college. I couldn’t say no.

There were masks, social distancing, etc. Kiddo made brunch for them (see my ‘22 post!). And they just hung out like normal teenagers all afternoon, not doing anything in particular. I could see the difference in kiddo after his friend left. He seemed so relaxed. It was so bittersweet that such a “normal” happy thing isn’t normal anymore.

I wish there was a way he could get more in person contact. He has two main local friends, but he hasn’t seen them in months. At this point theIr relationships just don’t compare with what he has with school friends, even if he could spend time with them.

He is swimming in the mornings- but that is so regimented and not really with “his people”.

I hear you @CateCAParent. Being apart from close friends who live on the other side of the country has been tough on CaliKid.

We just got back from NE - DS had a medical appointment he absolutely had to attend in person and we were able to move his dorm belongings into storage. Just like @CateCAParent - I saw the shift in him when we got near Southborough and then onto campus. He ran his allotted miles on the XC course while there and ran into some faculty, including his CC. There was a light in his eyes that’s been missing the past few months.
We did get to see a teammate of his and had a picnic with their family…spaced apart by blankets on the soccer field. I think he needed this reunion mentally as much as he needed the medical appointment physically.
It made me really, really hope they can figure out a way to go back in the fall.

Kiddo said last night that he is now starting to really feel the separation.

“Not that he is miserable at home, he likes it here, but…”

He said there just isn’t the energy. Can’t argue with that. We aren’t 16 year old boys!

Just wondering if anyone else received an email from College Board today or if you clicked on their website? We clicked on the link in a letter about my kiddo’s email and got a “Diaspora” page stating it’s from Black employees of College Board @ statement…is this true or did they get hacked?

It’s been on there website for several weeks.

Sure did feel different last Summer.

FYI News : The Gunnery is changing its name after 170 years to the Frederick Gunn School. Does anyone on here know the back story to this? Here is the link to the school website with video.


Anyone who has visited the Gunnery campus knows the pride the school has for its founder and can appreciate how special Gunn was. He truly was ahead of his time and his vision for education was revolutionary.

However, the change would’ve felt more genuine if it happened 6 months ago instead of now. JMHO.

Don’t know anything about this but funny you should mention 6 months @cj9623 as the FAQ about this on their site says:

“The decision to change our school’s name marks the culmination of a process stretching back many years. Although we could not have foreseen it, this change takes place at an extraordinary moment in our world. A vastly different world has presented itself in the last six months—one reshaped by a global pandemic and one coming to grips with the history of race in America. And while these challenges were not in focus a little over 12 months ago when we fully turned our attention towards the consideration of a new name for our school, it is unanticipated challenges such as these that modeled Frederick Gunn’s resiliency and willingness to stand up for the rights of all people. The decision to change our name is simply following the courage of our convictions; just what we believe Frederick Gunn would ask us to do.”