Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@one1ofeach we love Halloween too! One year, DD went as a Rose Bowl Parade float. Individual flowers—that took months to build.

I think DS was relieved to go to school and not be subject to my costume mandates!!!

Oh, yes, @buuzn03. This thread has veered toward alcohol more than once.

Last night, we enjoyed mint juleps instead of our usual martinis. I posted on the “Say it here” thread that I see a need for unusual amounts of gin in the next few weeks.

ETA: I seem to remember a thread where we offered up college versions of cocktails, like the Harvard Wallbanger, Mint Juilliard, Bloody William & Mary, etc. That was fun.

Shout out to @skieurope who put the REO Speedwagon ear worm in my head this morning. My dogs, who have put up with my wailing since 6 am, thank you as well. ???

Ok, let’s go for it. Name the most annoying ear worm.

Disney’s “It’s a Small World After All”

That stupid Christmas Shoes song and Don’t Worry Be Happy. Ugh to both.

Gangnam Style

You’re welcome… ???

Call Me Maybe

I Love Call Me Maybe!!

@ChoatieMom , a dear friend worked that ride as a summer job in high school and college. Can you imagine? She can still sing it in every language. Eternal hell!

I would Google “Call Me Maybe” but if it’s an ear worm, I’ll pass.

You’ve heard it. Carly Rae Jepsen. A ton of viral videos when it came out, including the US Olympic swim team.

Never heard of Carly Ray Jepsen. I don’t listen to radio or watch music videos or live TV. You should know that by now, ski. :wink:

If it was recorded after 1981, there’s an excellent chance I haven’t heard it. Also, haven’t watched the Olympics in decades, probably since Sarajevo.

So…as “Ramblings” is in the title of this thread, I am doing just so. This application season is completely different from our prior (obviously). We’ve had two in-person interview/tours, in which masks were required. So, on went the eye concealer, mascara, etc but no way was I putting full-on make-up, so it would smush all over my mask. Then, DD and I had fun going through our mask collection…”Does this one hide my double chin?” “That one really brings out your eyes!” “Ew, not that one…it clashes with your outfit.” ???
Then, we’ve had several Zoom interview/tours/admission sessions for which I’ve only had to buy respectable mom shirts (much better on our budget since the respectable mom clothes I bought 4 years ago, ahem, are a bit um…outdated. Yeah, that’s it, they are outdated. (Y’all may or may not remember that I’ve worked virtually from home for almost a decade…we don’t even use video for meetings, so my wardrobe is very limited in the ‘appropriate to be seen in public’ department).
Anyway, we’ve gotten very adept at entering/leaving the room in such a way that our bottom half is never visible on camera (yes, we even practiced a few times).
I’ve started a new fashion trend called the Zoom…business up top, beachy below. Nothing like the corporate blouse paired with the Adidas sweatpants…or the fancy sweater atop 30 year old loungepants. DD woke up late for one interview and just pulled a nice sweater over her PJs. ??

All of this makes us look closely at our interviewers to see how many of them appear to be doing the same thing. ?

Hey…it’s the little things that are getting us through this pandemic!

And a little smear of Vaseline over your camera lens does wonders.

Ahhh. Thanks for the tip @ChoatieMom !!!

@ChoatieMom I sent my college freshman daughter a Halloween care package! It had window decor, and something for her dorm room door. She wanted to put together treat bags for her friends, so that was included as well and a Halloween “gingerbread” house for her and her boyfriend to make on date night. The people in her dorm are all planning on dressing up for Halloween, so we put together a costume separately.

I see I have been away too long. May have even missed happy hour! Am considering options for most annoying ear worms and best cocktails and will report back. We live in the red hot center of the Hipster craft cocktail so will get right on the research!

@chemmchimney Our happy hour is never ending and you’re always invited! (Especially if you’re going to contribute fancy drinks ?)

Soooo. DS went to check in for his flight home only to find out the airline had completely changed the itinerary and the only flight home was 14 hours later than originally booked.
The good news? I was able to change his flight to another airport (3 hours away) which will get him in at his originally scheduled time.
But it did cause a bit of chest pain and palpitations first thing this morning.