Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Super Mom saves the day! Whew!

Safe travels to all of the kiddos on their way home. ???

Thanks @CateCAParent ! Safe & Happy Travels to you and everyone else here on CC! Kiddo just called from Hartford to say there are “mechanical problems” and the flight is delayed. Oh how I often wish I could drive up there and bring my kiddo home.

Here’s a earworm that I keep getting because of the search for a good BS for D.

I don’t think anyone has done this on the board, but in PM’s, a few people have described a few schools as full of the “Beautiful People”.

I’m not a Marilyn Manson fan, and I can only name a couple lines from a couple songs. The only words I know to the song “The Beautiful People” are when he repeats “the Beautiful People, the Beautiful People.” Everyone time someone types that out, for the next 2 days I have that constantly in my head, and I am not a Marilyn Manson fan. I don’t even know what comes before or after that line. I just have the same few bars repeating on an endless loop over and over in my head.

Have I mentioned that I’m not a Marilyn Manson fan? I may listen to “It’s a Small World” on Spotify just to try to displace it.

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I didn’t realize until today just how inflexible I am when it comes to the changing (annihilation?) of an interface.


The new site takes forever to load, especially on mobile devices. Tons of errors too. And I want the old like, agree and helpful options. Giving a post a heart feels like I’m being unfaithful.


Yes…it’s not user friendly. For those of us who have been on here for several years, it’s more uncomfortable than ever to navigate .


This is horrible. Where are our avatars and PMs? It’s all but unusable on my iPad which is the only device I use.

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Plus, my old pm’s have been deleted. Anyone else have a clue what they did?

Well, this is interesting. You can download your entire CC post history from Preferences>Activity>Download All, so you can take your site capital with you when you leave.

@choatiemom I agree. Absolutely not mobile device friendly - and I never use a computer.
I’d like to think that if I can handle Apple updates, I could handle other tech updates. This overhaul has taken us back to MSDOS. :joy:

I have a feeling that we will be plagued by more errant wanderers… It’s like the new design’s goal is to misdirect people to posts on topics they wouldn’t normally seek out.

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So, I’m using a check mark to indicate agreement.

Oh, they wanted to remove the downtime during the initial transition so they plan on importing that and reactions to this website soon

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I am so confused why they did the migration during the height of application season? Seems like horrible timing. Maybe I’m not understanding something that was fully vetted and considered. But this seems like a bad time to drop out of usefulness in the application conversation.


That’s what I was thinking too! I talked in the main feedback thread about how they should of introduced the main platform without all of the fancy features and then continue to introduce the new features over the span of a couple of months. While the features are great on their own, the way they were stiched together and then introduced makes the platform too overwhelming.

I got the impression they needed to leave the old server. My guess is that there was a renewal coming up and they didn’t want to lock in for a longer period of time but that wasn’t spelled out.

I don’t disagree with some of the reasons given, a big one that it sounds like they will be more able to customize this and respond to poster’s issues rather than relying on a non-responsive third party to make improvements.

Having said that, the execution has not been good. We are approaching a week, and nowhere near full functionality. They said all of the right things about how the update was being done differently this time. However, the implementation appears to be the same as in the past. My guess is that we are a week or more away from quasi-functional use, and a couple of months before they get major bugs worked out.

Then at that point, maybe spring, they can start actually trying to some improvements.

I think what they don’t realize is that the long term posters like @ChoatieMom who have been there/done that and don’t really need to be here anymore for their own benefit are what makes this board valuable. Every time one of these major changes occurs, we lose people like that, and some of their valuable wisdom leaves with them. I don’t need help from other lost and confused first timers. I need it from the experienced posters. And I need the powers that be at CC to stop doing things that make it too much of a hassle for those people to stick around.

Personally I will relearn things (again) because I still need this. Will I continue to do that 4 years from now? Honestly I don’t know. There are things I will miss, but the few people I can see myself wanting to talk to about non-college issues I already have email addresses for. I won’t NEED to be here, it will be just for the continued comraderie with those of you who have gone through and are still going through what I did. Also for the altruism of paying back the community. But you can’t make that a huge hassle or you won’t have people sticking around and paying it back…


Hey everyone - I have been on here for more than 4 years and I think this latest CC transition has done me in. It’s just too difficult to share insights, experiences, and support with others on this new platform. None of my threads or bookmarks are there.

I did receive a PM yesterday. If anyone has specific questions about various NE schools, DA, golf schools/teams, Applications to BS, prepping for BS courses, or improving your short game please feel free to PM me.

Cheers & Happy Holidays!

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How do some of you have profile pictures? Did you do this or did they reappear automatically?

I’m with @Golfgr8. I’ve figured out PM (I think), so feel free to PM me if you have questions or comments.

I hope they are able to get the modifications that make it easier to navigate soon, or I don’t think I’ll survive this new mode.

What happened to the Page numbers at the bottom of each Thread Page? How does one go from Page 1 to the last page, or to the third last page? It just seems like one scrolls and scrolls through dozens of posts. I know how to get to the “last reply”, but unless I am missing something, navigating through a long Thread seems so difficult.

Also, there is a meaningful difference between “Like”, “Helpful”, and “Agree”. CC, please bring those back :slight_smile:

I cannot imagine using this thing on a mobile device, at least right now.

You can put your old avatar back by clicking on your current avatar and selecting Preferences (the grey “person” icon) on the drop down.

Yep, navigating is via scrolling or clicking along the time/history bar at the right. To get to the most recent post on a thread, click on the bottom entry of the history bar which will say something like “1m ago” or “2d ago,” etc.

Note that if you want to indicate something other than the “heart” response, you can scroll through the emoji list and select something more appropriate (sigh). But, you can “add” your support by clicking on any emoji anyone else contributed. I agree, though, this is really cumbersome.

I am still unable to use this interface on my iPad. Unless this changes, I’ll have to move along as DH needs his desktop for business.

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