Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@DroidsLookingFor Your profile says just “member.”
(I don’t share this hurtful information lightly.).
(which then does beg the question – how have you been able to post photos???)

side note: I became senior member an hour ago because an admin flipped the switch and DM’ed me, which I thought was very nice.


I’d assumed that because I saw the up arrow I was a senior member. A mod DM’d me telling me I could upload photos (thanks mod!), and when I checked status just now I’m still a regular member. So it seems like the capability is not directly linked to whether you’re senior.

For my first photo, the 2020 Pantone Color of the Year Mug, which is close enough to Andover blue that I bought one. The kids are weirdly delighted by it.


I would compromise on a retirement cat, but my wife really wants another dog (we still have 2 big ones, but when they are gone she wants a little one). I feel like I am at the lifestage where I am trying to shed responsibilites, not add them! :grinning:

A cat commitment is more up my alley for retirement I think. We had 2 for a long time. We would regularly take long weekends. I felt like leaving them alone for 3-4 days was like dealing with a teen.

Me: I’m going to be gone for a few days, be good.
Cats: Whatever, I don’t know why you are telling me this. There IS extra food in the bowl, right?

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@DroidsLookingFor , one of the most beloved mugs at our beach house is a pantone mug in a sunflower shade. None of us is quite sure why it has such allure, but it does. And it’s been there for well over a decade.

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I had no idea what Pantone was. So I googled it. Now I’m still not sure because it required me reading more than the first sentence about a “proprietary color space” and I knew I was in over my head.
I stand to learn so much from you wise friends @DroidsLookingFor and @gardenstategal.

Plus one on Pantone. I read several more sentences and am still a bit unclear.

I am on a facebook group that was a split off of CC. For the most part, we are talking college admission and occasionally lightly dipping into politics, and I can hold my own just fine. But a few times converstations about paint shades or hair curls have come up. It is at times like these that I am reminded that I am a dad who has wandered into a space dominated by moms!

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@Calliemomofgirls you and me, both!

@gardenstategal it’s funny we have one that’s a sort of nectarine that we got in a secret Santa thing - it was very obviously a re-gift but we love it! Picking up this blue one was a no brainer.

@Calliemomofgirls yeah I think of them as “the color people.” Anything that has anything to do with color, they do it. Creation, re-creation, matching (formulaically/scientifically), branding, trend forecasting (!) Pretty wild. We have/had a lot of art and architecture in our family tree so Pantone products and “stuff” was always about.

@dadof4kids fellow dad here btw

Oh…and I guess @dadof4kids I’m guessing, though, that all three of us have had our prized collection of red solo cups!

Apparently I’m in the minority about knowing about Pantone. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Most schools have guidelines on color reproduction. Andover’s Pantone blue color is 286.


Yes @skieurope, but what color is the red solo cup?

@DroidsLookingFor after I posted that I remembered that you were a dad too, sorry about that. We need to stick together, we are a minority here!

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Same here, ski.

If you’ve ever been in the publishing, marketing, or the decor business (to name a few), you live by your Pantone swatch book. If you’ve ever gone to the paint store and picked out a few of those paper paint chips to take home, you’ve got the idea. Put all the colors together and you’ve got the Pantone spectrum:

The Pantone classification system is a codification of the color spectrum where each shade is defined by a number. So, in ski’s example, blue #286 defines one color and one color only. It’s the way people who need to talk about color communicate with each other.


Well this was a great day of learning for me.
Turns out, I am quite familiar with the color numbers, as I’ve had to design logos and deal with marketing materials. Who knew it was all thanks to Pantone!? Thank you for making my life bigger! (Remember that speech from Meryl Streep to Anne Hathaway about her cornflower blue sweater in Devil Wears Prada? I’m that intern played by Anne Hathaway.)

@dadof4kids The staunch feminist in me inwardly cringed at your comment, and then secretly delighted in you figuring out that it was a man who posted about the Pantone and a woman who didn’t know what it was.

Speaking of colors and learning, I just this week learned what the Plum book is, and I’ve spent the past two hours scrolling and scrolling and learning a ton about how our government is organized. So much you think you know until you just …scroll.
I’m winning all of today.


That’s fair. After I typed that out I almost deleted, but went ahead and sent. I think some things don’t quite translate very well online, my attempt at humor there was probably a good case of that. On the other group I get the occasional jab for having a Y chormosome, but I don’t have the history here so I need to be a bit more aware of what I am saying and how I say it.

I like to think that I am pretty progressive on a lot of things, but I do have my failings. And for all of the my feelings on issues of equality, the reality is that I hit most of the stereotypes.

My attempt at a joke there there was not so much “look at the ladies talking about colors” as it was “look at the idiot dad who can’t tell brown from gray”.

And despite the fact that this is an area I don’t care about generally, my curiosity is piqued enough that I am still waiting for someone to give the pantone color of the red solo cup!


I love this exchange.

Here’s a guess:



We interrupt this programming to bring this public service announcement.

DDs school just sent out emergency communication that campus is closed to all persons until further notice.

And it has nothing to do with COVID. We just have no idea what the reason behind it is.

Now I simultaneously have 2 kids with closed campuses.

Yikes, hope everything is ok. Actually it obviously is not, hope everthing becomes ok soon and no permanent negative things happen.

I was thinking she was still at home with you, is that right?


I know I’m a kid, but wanted to pop in and say you guys have adorable dogs!


^my doggo


@buuzn03 Oh gosh!! I hope everything is OK. I wonder what is going on???

My DD school is doing the opposite (albeit covid related) – opening twice a week on Monday. (Some teachers will be remote though. so we’ll see how great it is.) She hasn’t been at school in person since before her heart surgery (which since no one is tracking – was in February last year. I remember answering questions from Hotchkiss admissions while I was sitting there watching her sleep in the ICU. Weird times.).


@dadof4kids yes, she’s still here attending a LDS