Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

My current takeaways:
@ChoatieMom lives in Arizona? For whatever reason, I pictured you in upstate-New-York-Western-Mass-ish. (Fun fact: I just moved my oldest daughter to Arizona a few days ago – in fact DH is driving there right now to build her a bed and settle her in.)

And: people who know how to post photos have all the fun because I can’t figure it out.

Also: @DroidsLookingFor - Thanksgiving is back ON for next year.


@Calliemomofgirls: We lived in the Boston area for ten years but moved to AZ in '99, so we’ve been in the desert a while. Good luck to your daughter. I hope she likes it here.

The ability to post pictures is based on CC status. If you had at least Senior Member status before the cutover, you should see a bar with an up-arrow in the icon list at the top of a reply box. Click on that and follow the prompts. If you don’t see that icon, you will earn it when your post-level satisfies that threshold.

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I thought I was a senior member but I don’t see the icon. Is it to the far right? (Empty space for me).

Atop my reply box, I see the following icons in this order:

Quote balloon
B (bold)
I (italic)
” (Double quote)
Slash surrounded by brackets
Up arrow (upload pic)
Bullet list
Number list

It’s that thing in the bottom right, looks like an arrow pointed up off the box.

Ah, the difference is the device then. Are you using a phone? I’m on a desktop.

Ok found it lower right. (iPhone)
But I selected a photo and then when I hit reply I got an error message “sorry you can’t embed media in a post.”

I checked your profile and it looks like you’re just an ordinary member like me ): When I try to upload photos I get the same message.

@mondaydevil we are nothing near ordinary in my heart.


No, both of you are far from ordinary!


@gardenstategal Thanks for the love. As I sit here with my puppy on my lap, me going down rabbit holes of BS conversations of the past, I have to wonder if I am a “member” what could it possibly take to be a “senior member” because I already feel like way too much of my life is probably spent on CC. But weirdly, and to my surprise, I actually CARE about these people who share their lives here, so I check in with my coffee and inevitably get sucked into a thread stream I hadn’t read before.
Also: I am wondering if the new photo upload feature is what is making CC give me the frequent error message “this webpage is using significant energy.”

One last thing: did you all see that old private messages were imported? The interface is hilarious. (As in: not remotely reasonable. “Conversation 47259833”)


Wait! Private messages from the old system have been imported? That will make me happy because I had contact information in those messages I feared was lost forever. I must go see!!

And here is a picture of what my week has done to me…


@buuzn03 Yes! But enjoy trying to find any specific message threads with the interface.
Puppies are the BEST. (I would post a photo but I can’t.)


Yea that is my leg under Ruthie’s chin.

I think not!)


Puppies are the best!!


First off, puppies ARE the best.

Second, I would post a pic of mine, but I am also an ordinary member. Sigh.

I think it is based purely on number of posts. Don’t know how many a person needs tho. And I think they are a power drain.

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I’m hoping it is based on posts/years on forum instead of age. I must say “senior member” makes me feel like I have one foot in the grave. :flushed: Can someone bring me my teeth???


I miss our cat.

We lost him to kidney disease after 14 wonderful years. DH will not consider another pet as he wants to remain unencumbered in retirement. :sleepy:


@ChoatieMom , cats are SO encumbering…

If you lived closer, I might think DH had 2 families and that you were the other one!

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@Calliemomofgirls you HAVE to be a senior member because I am which makes no sense comparatively.