Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Do kids wear Bean boots? I have a feeling fashion will be a little different there. I offered to give my daughter my old Bean Boots, 20 years old but barely worn and look exactly like the ones they still make. She declined but I think I will send them with her.

My kid is on his 4th pair of Bean boots (high school, college, and after.). Had two types for Northern New England life - regular and snow style. And all but the first pair bought with his own money. Tickled my dinosaur heart!

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Depends on the school and a kid’s friend group.

I thought Doc Martens went out with punk rock, but that’s what my BS student wanted…

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Lol. When My husband was at prep school it was the fashion to wear sockless shoes through the snow. He only wore boots at home in CT or the absolute worse weather But this kid is very invested in his own personal comfort so he probably will wear them. He wears a sweater until it hits 80.

It was partially a nostalgia thing because he no idea what they were and had a comical expression when he opened them. And my husband enjoyed that.

And I am definitely the only person in my family cool enough to wear docs.


@SweetBoy1 , I saw a pair of patent cherry red doc martens in a store window a little over 2 years ago in a hip European city known for fashion.
Stared at them every day. Still pining…

You are definitely cool!

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Punk rock never went away. :grin:


Docs are very much back in. My kiddo has 2 pair of faux doc boots. One floral and one burgundy. Also seen in a store last winter, the super puffy North Face even in almost the exact color I got in 2001. Only now it is called retro. She does want to steal that.

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Googled Doc Martens. Sorry, but those are some ugly Army-issue-looking footwear. I’m sure I’ve never seen any civilians wearing those where I live (because they’d have to have an open-toe or flip-flop version). Those look like they could cause some serious damage.

We tried with the Bean boots freshman year, but ChoatieKid pretty much wore flip-flops or boat shoes regardless of weather. He DOES have some Doc Marten-looking footwear now for field and jungle exercises. :wink:


I prefer Timberlands. They are the superior boots.

Yes. Lots of bean boots at BS. However, kiddo1 decided to wear flip flops every single day this year, even in the (light) snow. But next year she’ll actually be on campus for winter term, so she may have to suck it up and wear the boots.


You’d be surprised—a classmate of mine (from a tropical region) has frequently shown up in flip flops during subzero weather. With the school finally giving up on enforcing the dress code, I wouldn’t be surprised if that sort of behavior became even more common.

When I was in 4th grade my grandparents were getting rid of some old stuff and they had a pair of docs that my aunt wore in high school. I thought they were hideous. Now I wish I’d kept them :laughing:

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I wore Docs in the early ‘90’s, held on to them them until the mid 2000’s then donated to Goodwill, still looked new. Wish I had kept them. My daughter would be wearing them.

I only have one pair left circa ‘88. Three hole beauties with enough wear to be awesome but they slightly pinch my toes. Made in England and still beautiful. My daughter, 11, tried them on and they almost fit. My first reaction was a roll of the eye, with a though of poseur. I guess same things never change.


DD found a pair of Docs in the 2nd grade before they came back into style. She’s been wearing them (and new, assorted others) ever since. She wears hers with everything, even her dressy dresses.

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Maybe 5 years ago my cousin saw me wearing docs and asked if I was wearing shoes from college (early 90’s). Nope. Same style, probably 5th or 6th pair.

Apparently I rode out the fashion cycle and am trendy again.

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Golly. Next it will be pea coats.

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Hey @Stalecookies…I had one of those…the “uniform” at NYU when I was a TA & grade student there in the late 1980’s - 1990s was something like this: Doc Martins, leather jacket or bomber jacket, leather skirt, cargo pants, pea coat …also anything that Billy Idol may have sported in a video.


Why do I constantly forget that @Golfgr8 is female? 🤦


We were dressing uber-prep or Annie Hall when I was in college. Alway a good look, IMO.

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