Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Stopping for lunch in Amarillo on our way to Michigan/Maine and waving to all our Texas posters. Hi @buuzn03! :cowboy_hat_face:


Oh wow-- You are SO close but yet SO far! Eat at Torchy’s if you can…DELISH! Safe Travels!!!

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Used to have a client there. Big Texans. Always wanted to go but never did.

and as far as style goes-- DD has NUMEROUS pea coats of all shades/colors/patterns, Big shouldered blazers, multiple Doc Maarten styles and large men’s button downs with wide cinched belts.

She is definitely bringing the 80s back!

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So I guess my question is… are the 80s back?

(I wore a vintage '60s peacoat for some of the 80s…)

Now I know I am really old!

Billy Idol was my favorite fixture in Washington Sq Park back in the 80s and early 90’s…now he is going to perform at the Wisconsin state fair

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PSA from the Gen Z crowd - while it was cool to shout those extra lyrics during “Mony Mony” as teens in the 80’s, the bloom is off the rose when done now by those in their 50’s…especially when their own kids are present. :persevere:


We decided to try Whataburger (just passing through and not wanting to take the time for a real sit-down meal). It was OK, not as good as Burger King (but no fast food burger is IMO).

We’re in OK City for the night, St. Louis tomorrow, Ann Arbor Wednesday. Staying in MI for a few days for a family memorial, then on to Maine but stopping in MA to have dinner with @cameo43

Love being among deciduous trees and late sunsets again. I can almost smell the pines…

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We will wave to you in MI…heading to Chicago then onto MI Wednesday.

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Lol. I still have a couple of polyester mod striped shirts that are indestructible!

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SO JEALOUS about Cameo lunch…and I wish you had gone to Torchy’s – it would have taken the same amount of time as Whataburger yet the food is amazing! Maybe on your way back!

Have so much fun and give the GOAT in Mass a HUGE hug for me! ( I always wonder if her old profile pic of a goat was her telling us something…LOL)

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We’ll know he’s totally lost his edginess if he proceeds to the Iowa State Fair, butter sculpture and all.

We’re going through Austin on our way home (in the Fall) to visit B/SIL. May try Torchy’s there. Will definitely give cameo a MAssive hug for you. :hugs:

Will also catch up with ThacherParent and SevenDad at some point, too. We miss our old BS friends.


I’m a super jealous girl!

The Annie Hall look was strong with me and my college friends. I loved my brogue Bucks. In my senior portrait I had the photog stand at a distance so that he could capture the shoes. :woman_facepalming:

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We all love @SevenDad, @ChoatieMom !


This thread hasn’t been very active lately. I just wanted to pop on and make sure everyone is doing well. I haven’t been posting much lately. I wanted to thank all of you for everything you have done.

You never know when today is your last day. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. For anyone wondering, I have been doing really great, but recent news has deeply saddened me. One of my fellow classmates and teammates has just passed away and I am extremely upset by this news.

Don’t take anything for granted and always make sure you tell those you love that you love them, and thank those who have helped you along the way. :heart:


Thanks for sharing. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your classmate-teammate. It is too hard to even comprehend.

Sending prayers and support your way :pray:

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Thanks so much. I was able to gather outside at my school with classmates and teammates to share memories and grieve. It has helped a little but it is still very hard to comprehend his loss.


I am very sorry Lilyesh. My son lost a classmate in a very small program to suicide earlier this year. It was very hard for all the kids. I realize now that his name was not even mentioned during the promotion ceremony. I didn’t even notice it at the time but it seems terribly unkind now.

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