Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Not a single COVID case. barely any sicknesses. Only restrictions are masks indoors and no one cares if we don’t have our masks on or on correctly(in my classes at least)


congrats on engagement

Kiddo1 has also been quite sick this year, and she hasn’t missed a single class. The one time she asked to go the health center during a class, because she felt so awful, the teacher wouldn’t let her go (she later apologized). I’m not the least surprised there are so many viruses going around…and I agree with whoever said it’s only going to get worse once flu season kicks in.

In other news…text from Kiddo1 today: I need a dress for Hoco.

Hoco is this weekend. :grimacing:

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lol, was the reply “that’s unfortunate”? I’m not sure what else you can do at this point.


After she realized there was no way I could help, she planned a trip to the mall with some friends this weekend. She’s never been one to shop or dress up, so this is a huge step for her! And I’m a tiny bit sad not to be there. :frowning:


Me and my friends have been amazoning this weekend’s hoco dress :joy:


I’d have been tempted to say, “duct tape”.

I think this year’s just had more sicknesses than usual circulating (at least 2 major ones so far). A lot of people I know have been having problems.

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I don’t think that’s just BS. Our public school is like that, and so are the 3 different colleges my kids go to. I think everyone has a year’s worth of bugs to catch up on.

Lawrenceville is now accepting cryptocurrency for gifts. Pretty funny, in my opinion: Lawrenceville Alumni on Instagram: "As people around the world continue to learn about and utilize cryptocurrency, we wanted to lead audaciously in our ability to accept philanthropic gifts from our alumni and friends through whatever vehicle is most convenient for them. That’s why we are excited to announce that Lawrenceville is one of the first independent schools that are now accepting cryptocurrency in addition to cash, stocks, etc. Looking for more information? Check out our stories or send us a message!"


Others will soon be doing the same, starting with BTC and ETH, moving to others.

Happy Thanksgiving :maple_leaf::maple_leaf::pray::maple_leaf::turkey::maple_leaf: to all the students and parents on this board!

Grateful for all you share!


Happy Thanksgiving! Lurking around on CC to recover from writer’s block :joy:


Have been enjoying all the Sondheim remembrances, but really got a kick out of his senior picture and caption from the George School yearbook that was is the Philadelphia paper., “If you want to hear some Rachmaninoff, he’s your man!” made me chuckle.


Anyone else waiting for their kid to tell them their PSAT score? I believe they came out today for New England BS’s. But my kiddo isn’t answering texts :joy:

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Ok, she just responded. Somehow 10 points less than last year but still 99th percentile. However, as a repeat Jr. she needed to keep the same score to keep her NMSF commended scholar status. Oh well.

Any updates on how the ED applicants from our schools are doing?

Kiddo didn’t apply ED anywhere and hasn’t heard back from his EAs yet. The next 10 days will be interesting….


DC is awaiting results this week. This is my first go-around with a college applicant. What a process…

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YES! UGH!! DD hears from 5 schools in the next 2 weeks… while she’s HOME and not in the supportive loving arms of her housemates/friends! Sigh. Fingers crossed. :slight_smile: