Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

DS found out last night that he was deferred in the ED round at his top choice, which was a reach. He’s decided not to hold out for that school, and will apply ED II for his second choice, which is a target school for him. There were only 2 schools on his list who even offered EA, and he should hear from those within the next two weeks.

I know he is disappointed that he was deferred, but I think this outcome was for the best. I had reservations about his top choice, and think his ED II is a better fit overall. But now it just means more waiting…


No ED apps here. Not supposed to hear from EA apps until 1/15 at the earliest. Looks like most EA decisions were pushed back to 1/31 or 2/1 this year.

I’m thinking of all of you. This is a crazy process! Although ours was now 6 year ago, I remember the waiting, the ups and downs, the fretting about strategy, the choosing, etc. Hang in there! Sending strength or whatever it is you are needing to all of you!


Today at 2pm Eastern Deerfield is livestreming the Nutcracker performance (excerpts), with the orchestra and chorus. Link here.


Same here, and congratulations in advance to the BS class of 2022. Looking forward to reading all your great results. :hugs:

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Thanks but it’s the BS Class of 2022🥳

Of course. Must get :coffee:

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After Army Navy result perhaps bourbon :tumbler_glass: :grinning:.

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Go Navy!

GO VASSAR!!! The Brewers are undefeated at football for 160 years and counting😀

Bourbon is always appropriate. :tumbler_glass:

See you at the Armed Forces Bowl. Cheers!

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It looks like Choate has gone virtual for the last two days of its “Turkey term”: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/811686674890489886/920668812418879528/IMG_3638.png

Hopefully this doesn’t become a trend elsewhere; there’s certainly been issues with both COVID and the flu over here, too.

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Makes absolutely no sense.



I know that DA has had some issues with sickness this term. My kid was in the health center earlier this week (suspected flu) and said that it was overrun with kids seeking help or testing for flu, mono, strep, covid plus a collection of the usual athletic injuries. With only 24 more hours to go though, I’m guessing that it’s business as usual.

Other than a couple of emails from HOS regarding the positive covid tests immediately after Thanksgiving, I was disappointed not to hear more about the health of the school community in the petri dish that is a prep school campus.
I like the transparency of Andover’s Covid dashboard


Another well known BS has dozens of COVID cases. Cornell has over 900. Choate is probably making a prudent decision based on its own particular circumstances.

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Where we now are as a society with the understanding and approach to COVID, this is not prudent IMO. It is “paralyzing hypervigilance” that needs to end. See…

The mental health consequences FAR outweigh the risk of hospitalization or other poor outcome.

This action by the school is very disappointing.


2 days is not that extreme.

That having been said, I do agree with your points on this topic in general.

Princeton just moved all exams online and told everyone to go home ASAP especially if doing so by public transportation. My impression was that much of the concern had to do with students being stuck if they receive a positive test. I wonder if Choates thinking is along those line?

Taft asked “local” parents to bring their kids home too due to flu numbers. From what I understand, those students had to take their exams virtually.

Similar issues at both of my kid’s schools. Kiddo2 (LDS) has half his class out with the flu and they are offering virtual exams. Kiddo1 is currently in the health center with the flu. Really hoping she is healthy enough to fly home tomorrow.