Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Yes. Definitely.

But I am also no longer capable of wringing my hands over it. I have zero control, and won’t know anything until the last minute.


OK - we received the pre-return testing protocols.

I am getting kiddo the booster next week at the pharmacy. Anyone know of schools offering the booster to their students yet?

IIRC Hill is to eligible students. Booster is also required for eligible students.

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Unfortunately, we’re a little past the “worrying stage.”

From https://www.lawrenceville.org/life-at-lawrenceville/leadership/school-operations/reopening :

“The first week of classes (January 4-8) will be conducted via Zoom, with in-person classes beginning Monday, January 10. Classes will run 9:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. EST.”

Boosters will also be required for those eligible; I’ve already gotten mine, but I’m not aware of my friends’ status.


Kiddo is getting his booster next week, too.

Haven’t heard anything about them being required.

Hotchkiss sent a letter to the families asking for negative test results prior to the arrival and stated that “ All students who are eligible are strongly encouraged to schedule their booster vaccination over the break.”

Lville has not required boosters yet, but they are strongly encouraged for those eligible and they have stated that it’s just a matter of time before they are required.

First wave of students (those flying in) arrive as scheduled, second wave (day students and those within driving distance) arrive a week later. All take one week of online classes as @confusedaboutFA noted. The strange thing is that they are only requiring the second wave of students to arrive with a negative test, not the first wave.

We are moderately concerned about further delays.

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Didn’t think of that when I booked a non-refundable hotel for drop off after Christmas :roll_eyes:


Daughter’s school has protocol where kids take PCR several days before return and then rapid test upon arrival. However, it didn’t catch all the cases and there were several positives between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I’m not sure that virtual will help but I am guessing the re-entry protocol should be re-tweaked to contain cases (virtual from rooms, maybe?). I’m worried students won’t be able to leave campus and my daughter will have a very hard time with that.

That being said, she’s currently holed up in her room…COVID positive.

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PA offered boosters the last day before break. Not sure how many students got them. Ours did.


Our school began offering students the opportunity to get a booster at the local CVS. However, it was during major testing week and few kids wanted to take the time.

Are you having a hard time finding a Covid test appointment prior to moving back in?
Our school has the 72 hour test results being valid prior to 1/3. Local state testing sites are closed 12/31- 1/1. The CVS sites and clinics are booking up fast for 1/2. If we want to be assured we get the results on time, the test needs to be done 1/1. Also, are you worried that international students won’t return or the BSs will go remote?


DA gave kids two covid test kits to take home this break, with strict instructions as to the exact time window to take each one (including the note that says ‘regardless of your location’).
I think that there was a less than perfect cooperation using the tests that were given out over the Thanksgiving break, hence the outbreak in early December.
Kids have to take an additional test as soon as they arrive back on Campus on 3rd Jan and need to stay masked until they receive that result.

A local private day school here has arranged for their own PCR test clinic on Sunday 2nd on campus.


MacJackAttack, I like the take home tests procedure. That is smart.

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It’s smart, as long as the students actually do it.

I’d love to know what the repercussions were for the kid who came back to campus (allegedly) without taking the required Thanksgiving covid tests and knowing that their family had covid.

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Even DA has flaky kids?

My kid at a less prestigious BS double checked that the take home kit was packed before we left the parking lot. And since kiddo has type A tendencies, I’m sure the kit will be used in the “optimal” window. [I get nagged a lot by kiddo for acting a bit flaky.)

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I heard the student received restrictions and was placed in quarantine after Thanksgiving. If you want the “tea”, you can DM me.

There are flaky kids at all the schools
Some are mischievous, some are fools
There are entitled kids who have no fear
If they are caught they call Daddy, dear!
There are kids who are clueless, some just don’t care
Some who get drunk, and some caught when they’re bare :shushing_face:
But the COVID police on campus are stern
If you mess with them, you’ll get DC’d and learn.
They don’t mess around, you’ll get sent to the nurse
A week of restrictions, isolation, and worse!

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I heard from my kiddo that 100 students didn’t take the test that the school sent home. And that one person didn’t take it because they knew they were sick. And that person is from a family that I doubt would have repercussions.

Same issue with test timing here. We are able to do an at home test, and kiddo isn’t even actually required to have any test, but we’d feel better w a PCR test. Since we have some Christmas events over the next few days we will likely PCR test her mid week and then do an at home test within 24 hours of her arrival back at school. Since Covid is running so rampant right now I don’t want to take any chances!

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That’s what I spent yesterday doing. Son flying back to UK on evening of 1/2 and needs 48 hours in advance. We are in Fairfield County and could only find a CVS testing appointment 1.5 hours away in North Jersey on the afternoon of 1/2.

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