Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

My understanding is that all major airports should have pre-departure covid testing facilities with results available within 2-3 hours?
I might be wrong, though



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I’m waiting to hear from the school on whether my daughter will need to do the testing protocol given her current positive diagnosis. Seems pointless frankly.

School sent new guidelines today:

PCR several days before return, rapid upon arrival followed by PCR. 10 days of masks everywhere but inside dorm room, only grab and go at cafeteria, no leaving campus to go to town or anything, no games first week and no visitors. Hoping it will lighten up after the 10 days but will have to see what O brings. Also, they cancelled winter weekend.

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Do you have any CVS rapid PCR testing sites close to you? I didn’t even realize it was an option until just now. You may have to scroll down the CVS list to find one. I was able to book an appt for a rapid PCR on 1/2, so we will have the results before kiddo leaves on 1/3.

And yes, we are very worried that students won’t return in all of January. But I almost can’t allow that thought to enter my head for fear of it becoming reality.


We had that happen too. Is DS taking any outside classes, etc.? We submitted essays from CTY writing classes.

We now have had 2 appointments during the past week cancelled at CVS due to either shortages or staffing problems at the locations. Just rescheduled and hoping it can happen.


This is discouraging. I may need to make some
back up appointments. Thanks for the heads up.

Yes - Booster appointments

Oops! I thought you were referring to test appointments!

Kiddo has a booster appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully it doesn’t get canceled.

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It took us a nearly 3 hour wait outside in the cold to get my booster—definitely make backup appointments

Misc. Ramblings. Does anyone ever feel like some kids on here can’t be real? Or at the very least wonder how their kid got into a HADES or is it just me? …. (imposter syndrome?)


Observation: the HADES schools seem to agree with you, judging by past M10 results.

I do wonder if some of the over the top posters are just trying to psych out the competition.


If these are the real kids, my kid certainly won’t be accepted! But I have a feeling there must be a “normal” amount of kids being accepted, too.


I think it is hard to tell personality through a computer. I am the one saying all the time that perfect scores and perfect grades will absolutely not get you in. Kids don’t believe me. Then they don’t get in. Interviews and teacher recommendations matter a lot and many kids with perfect scores have teachers who don’t like them very much.


First, take what you read on “Chance Me” threads with a grain of salt. IMHO, this entire board self-selects for high achieving, mildly neurotic, moderately obsessive, nice people. :sweat_smile:

Second, it seems like the AO’s are building a class. Frankly, I have no idea how some kids were accepted. Like any high school, boarding schools have a wide range of students of differing levels of abilities, talents, and interests. There are students at each HADES who would do well at any of them but maybe were only accepted to one (or two).

I will share this with you students out there applying to schools: Do not expect to be “spoon fed” at BS. You must realistically establish your expectations about the experience and then (one you are there) manage your expectations. You must be independent and self-motivated. This will not only improve your academic experience, but will also help you socially with establishing friendships and joining clubs/EC’s.

Last bits of advice for incoming students:

*Be confident.
*Do not be intimidated by students who might be louder or full of hot air.
*Be mindful of the people you start hanging with - (good/bad for you?)

  • Find your voice at the Harkness table and the dining table.

*Be interested in everyone and everything!


My advice: Never EVER post or read a chance-me. Biggest waste of time in the Internet universe.

Oh, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


:evergreen_tree: :heart:

New Year’s resolution :partying_face:


How I wish the “new year, new me” mentality didn’t last for half an hour…

My Pfizer booster (scheduled for tomorrow) was just canceled……