Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I feel that the 2022 Andover acceptance video better represents the school than in prior years…


Wow. After watching the heavy, intense first half of this, I was expecting it the second half to be showing the fun side of going to Andover. Apparently not.

Couldn’t be more different to Deerfield’s “Dial up the Deerfield” video (which was posted here on CC a week or so ago and was officially promoted today as their congrats to admitted students).


Re: Andover Admissions - This seems more like a recruitment video for the Navy Seals.


Yeah! I had the same thought on the PA video- keeping it real- holy wow. My step-daughter is PA Class 2025, on break and watched with me as we waited for my son’s decisions to come out (son was not an applicant) she said “yeah, well it’s pretty accurate! i was so nervous last year when i got in and thought it was going to be so hard. and it is intense, but i love it”… and she is doing amazing and thriving- she is a PA student and it is a fit for her.

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This should have been called “The big blue wet blanket”.


Yeah, I was about to say—boarding school can be a struggle just because of how intense it is, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. It’s important not to exclusively give that image of “Camp Andover” to admitted students, because it’s not always the reality.


This should be called Choose a different school :joy:


For the right kid, the PA video will get them pumped. It’s the same kid who takes pride in surviving two-a-days and comes out the other side stronger and tougher. Not everyone is made for that environment, including my daughters. The tough part, as a parent, is knowing whether your child will become a diamond or simply be crushed.


Not to make light of the real emotions that many kids that were heartbroken to not get in or be waitlisted, but might be a strategy since they are consistently over-enrolled :upside_down_face: joking, but…maybe not?! lol.


We had this exact conversation. Not directly with my kid, but with my husband (alum) who had a great Andover experience many years ago.

We do know three kids who are there right now in the class of 2025, all of whom are kids of husband’s Andover friends. I guess we all had kids at the same time!
Two are loving it. One withdrew already.

WL at Andover and I know it would not have been the right fit. They maybe knew my kid as well as I do, he would not thrive in that environment. They do ask right away if you want to stay on the WL, so hopefully it will be a smaller list soon for those who want it.


So glad that we didn’t even consider applying and watching the video confirmed that the school is not a right fit at all. We are talking about high schoolers and the four years should not be all about these, all for the end game of getting into an elite college. You don’t want your kids to peak in high school and this is the risk. We are putting unrealistic expectations on our kids nowadays and kind of Setting them up for disappointment later on, if you ask me.


I too am glad DD was rejected from Andover last year, the video confirms it. She’s still at a rigorous school, but it’s not ALL work work work. On another note, her amazing school waitlisted her brother and we are all very sad about that. I don’t know if it was a courtesy waitlist placement for a sibling. Or if FA played a big role. It’s the only place he wanted to apply and he plans to apply again next year, but would have loved a year with his sister before she leaves.

We had a completely different perception of the video when we watched it but now are sensing there is due diligence that must be done based on these comments! Which is awesome, as that is why we have been reading these forums. Are there any threads or posters you would recommend to get a better understanding of what the Andover experience is like? Our DD was accepted here and we want to make sure she understands what it’s like to be a student. We are of course doing the revisit days and the like as well, but it would be great to understand who tends to struggle and who tends to thrive.


I just watched the Andover video @familyrock linked and don’t understand any of comments that follow. That video could have been produced for almost any of the boarding schools talked about here. It seemed pretty generic to me. BS is tough, you can do this, the school chose you because it knows you can do this, it’s going to be hard but you will get through to the best version of yourself…

Serious question: What is it about that video that turns you off?


I didn’t find it so off-putting. But i did get the sense that they aren’t selling fun or community!

My hunch is that they did some surveys and found one of the things students worried about most was whether they could do the work. This may have been a response.


I think the word community is a big part of why this is a fail for me. All these tired kids sitting alone in a chair. Maybe show how your friends and community make all the hard work manageable. M10 is the one day to just celebrate you got into that school. This video may have its place, but not on celebration day. Eat a cupcake! Jump around! Don’t just tell me my kid would still be alive in 4 years.


Exactly! I completely thought that the second half of the video was going to be all the fun/community/bonding side of boarding school.
Message: classes/homework at Andover can be tough, there are times when you think that you might not make it, but we’ve got your back, your teachers/mentors/friends/Andover support system and your resilience will get you through. And meanwhile, when you’re going through this transformative learning process, look at what other amazing things you can get out of your Andover experience. Friends. Community. Traditions. Experiences.

But they didn’t balance out the message. We got the first half, but not the second.


I have to say that the experience is personal. Maybe some, even most kids at PA feel the way as shown in the video. But not all kids do, and you, the newly admitted kid, may find it totally different if you actually go to PA. Many kids have fun there. You could be one of them.

The fear of too much homework is overplayed. It depends on placement. If it is too much, it could be a misplacement. You don’t have to be the first kid to get into calculus BC. Find your place, you will have fun.


I found it to be an incredibly boring video that said nothing about why you would choose Andover over another school. Compare it to Deerfield’s student produced video that was so creative and showed personality, and Andover’s just looks like a dud.