<p>What happens now? There is no cash award. Does it really make a huge impact on my university life, I'm a freshman. Also, should I write on my resume "almost got Dean's List" or just forget about it.</p>
<p>Your. Life. Is. Over.</p>
Christ dude you are a tool, you only need to get the Dean’s List one time to say “Ive been on the Dean’s List at Blah Blah University.”</p>
<p>Happened to me before too. Its not the dean’s list, so nothing worth mentioning. Try again next semester.</p>
<p>you should have worked a little harder…</p>
<p>Epic. Fail.</p>
<p>um…seriously? SERIOUSLY??!</p>
<p>haha. I hope I care this about my grades much this coming fall.</p>
<p>who hasn’t?</p>
<p>When I got my BA, I missed Cum Laude by .01%. When I got my Masters, I made Cum Laude by .01%. </p>
<p>It all evens out in the end.</p>
<p>Make a thread about it</p>
<p>Horseshoes and hand grenades-the only 2 things where “just missed” is a win.</p>
<p>lol gosh, just round it up and put it on your resume.</p>
<p>yea… people who don’t make the Dean’s List don’t have any friends to hang out with and their meal plans stop working at the dining halls, so you should probably figure out how to take care of that.</p>
<p>girls will no longer want to sleep with you.</p>
<p>To give you a completely serious response, I think it would make you look desperate and/or silly if you put “almost made Dean’s list” on a resume. Generally, you do put GPA on a resume though so it’s not like they’re not going to know that you did well.</p>
<p>girls will now want to sleep with you.</p>