<p>HI All
Have been missing from CC for over a month. Thank you for the messages from those who missed me. And for those who didnt notice, no worries, I understand how self focused we become as parents of HS Srs and the point of these threads
.to counsel those new to the process.
In our world, after moms passing in July, I was working with Dad to clear out moms personal things (clothes etc). AND the bigger issue was K2s apps.
All of the apps were done by about the 10th of Oct and the first admit was received. K2 hasnt heard from a school I thought was rolling, so I will likely as the GC/K2 to check the CA status. K2 appreciated getting it all done and off the back so to speak (we did that with K1 as well) . K2 just came back from an OV to the school admitted. K2 noted that some parents attended
we explained why we flet this was trip best taken with independence. K2 had greenlight/likely admitted to the other schools
.so we will see. I am worried that come EA decisions something could go wrong.
K2 sent only one app RD AND if EA round goes poorly, then that app will be changed to ED2. Yikes.
Beyond that and the Apps race
my dad took ill suddenly and died 2 weeks ago. Completely unexpected. I can say there is quite a transition in your life, emotionally, mentally and physically to give the eulogies for both of your parents in 113 days.
The other part to my puzzle is that I started an amazing FT position, as a VP of a firm. Was recruited to build the biz and appreciate the principal saw my potential. It all started in late Sept and my life has been a whirl wind with a new job, a HS Sr applying to colleges, and the death of a second parent.</p>
<p>On K2's comments re the OV were that the students at the college were too....ummm...not a fit......
While K2 liked the team and the recruits, K2s assessment of the general student population was that it was not the right place And the school is in the bottom quartile of the list.</p>
<p>Of the recent OV.....K2 noted that several recruits came with parents--(thought odd)
and we explained our philosophy, (same as K1 and HYP), and why after the college tours/visits that ///OVs should be IMHO ...done by the student solo (travel/questions etc)</p>
<p>I was impressed when K2 said that there was a private mtg on Sat am withe the coach and K2 told the coach there would be no formal decisions until all apps/admits were in to be considered.</p>
<p>Hope you all are well.
I will be checking the current class admits/commits for updates.</p>