Mistake on UC App

I accidentally stated the wrong academic year for my junior year of high school. I put 2015-2016 school year as my junior year when I should have been 2016-2017. Would this mistake affect my application or possibly rescind me?? I already emailed the UC application center but I’m honestly scared that this mistake could cost me my chance of admission.

Pretty sure they just have to change the date on that. Lots of people make mistakes on their apps so i’m sure they’ll be fine with it as long as you didn’t forget a personal statement or entire academic year. I actually made a mistake myself, I entered my quarterly grades when I was supposed to enter my semesterly grades :frowning:

Fret not:


Ok. Thanks for the response, makes me feel a lot better. Did you try calling them or shooting them an email about your semester grades? Hope you’ll be able to fix your problem :slight_smile: