Mistakes on Application/Double Majoring Music

<p>I’ve applied to some UC’s (I, SD, R, LA) with Computer Science as my first choice and music (music composition for LA) as my second. My plan is to double major in CS and music but to take them one at a time, so finish my CS degree and then start up music. Music requires a supplemental application and audition. For all the schools except LA I would have to perform some pieces in an audition. For LA I have to submit a portfolio of originally composed pieces and then go to an interview where I have to show I have some keyboard (piano) competence. At the moment I don’t think I’m skilled enough for the auditions and I don’t know how to play the piano (yet).</p>

<p>So I have two questions:</p>

<li><p>If I don’t turn in the supp app and I don’t schedule an audition, will that automatically get me denied for the school completely even though music was my second choice, or would they still consider me for acceptance just only then consider me for CS. If they would deny me for not turning in the necessary forms and audition even though its my alternate major, can I contact them in anyway and tell them I don’t want music as my alternate major to avoid this?</p></li>
<li><p>Is it possible to apply for music as a second major after already attending the school? So assume I did get in for CS and after being there for a while (let’s say two years), could I apply for music as a second major then when my skills are better? If so, would the process be the same as the one I described above? And disregarding skill, would it be harder to do this? Like pretend there is person A and person B, and they have the same level of musical talent and skill but person A is applying for the music program out of high school and person B is applying to declare it as a second major after attending the school already for 2 years. Would it be harder for person B to get into the program than person A?</p></li>

<p>The supp apps are due in a few weeks and I would have to schedule my auditions pretty soon so I would truly appreciate some replies asap (question one especially).</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<li>No they will not reject you on the basis of not scheduling an audition for your alternate major (which I am not sure you are even allowed to do btw). They will consider you first for the primary major, then for the secondary (if they do at all). Just saying though, I would not put Music as an alternate major if that’s what you actually want to get into. Make it your primary choice and do the required supplementals/audition (I don’t know when the deadline to change major selection is). It’s one of those majors that are really small and have super talented/skilled individuals competing to get in. These people have likely had years of training in their instrument; they have more than enough talents to pick and choose from and it’s very unlikely they would want someone who puts down Music as an alternate major. Some schools actually require you to put down Music as the first choice in order to get in. [url=<a href=“http://www.music.ucla.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1017&Itemid=103]UCLA[/url”>http://www.music.ucla.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1017&Itemid=103]UCLA[/url</a>], for example has this policy:


<p>Also, it seems that UCLA does require an audition (I’d look into this more closely).</p>

<p>I would really do some research on the Music programs at the other UC’s as well. You wouldn’t want to waste your time on supplementals and auditions that you don’t even have to do now would you?</p>

<li>It’s hard to say because each UC campus has different double/change of major policies but IMO, it’s quite unlikely. At UCLA specifically it’s nearly impossible to double major in both the School of the Arts and Architecture and the College of Letters & Science (I want to do this quite badly :(). If they do allow you to add the major, you will probably have to have a minimum UC GPA and do the audition/supplementals. Even if you are extremely talented, you can be denied simply due to lack of space. Remember, a ton of talent comes in at the freshman level so they probably have more people than they need as is.</li>

<p>Thank you for replying oceanpartier I truly appreciate it. Also, I have another question for anyone to answer: on my UC app under the AP exam section I put that I am going to be taking the AP Stats Exam this May but I’m not in the AP class. In the extra comments section (I don’t remember what it is actually called; it was that third personal statement section where you can mention anything that wasn’t conveyed anywhere else in the app) I put that despite not being in the AP Stats class, I planned on self studying and taking the exam, just to clarify. Now, I am having second thoughts. I’m still considering on self studying for an exam (I’m actually considering two) but just not AP stats. Would it be a problem when I send my scores to the school and they see I don’t have an AP stats score? Also, would they accept the scores of the other tests I plan on taking even though I didn’t put that I was taking them on the app?</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>UCLA does not consider alternate major even though the option is there, so it’s as if you didn’t put an alternate major (you are only applying to CS).</p>

<p>You need to follow the process to declare double major and each UC campus has a slightly different process. That’s something you’ll have to figure out when you get there (or beforehand if it will affect which UC you choose to attend).</p>

<p>It’s fine if you don’t take the AP Stats exam. There is no penalty for not taking “planned” AP exams.</p>