<p>Very nervous after seeing Stanford REA thread
What are my chances at MIT EA and Uchicago EA?</p>
<p>SAT I: 2390 Single Sitting
SAT II: 800-800-800-770
UWGPA: 3.98
School does not rank
Schools does not offer AP/IB classes but sends many kids to top colleges
I dont think I have to worry about course rigor</p>
<p>Not very confident about my main ECs:
Soccer: 4 years (not recruited)
Cross country: 3 years (not recruited)
Math Team: 3 years (AIME but no USAMO)
Eagle Scout
Humane society Volunteer: 3 years</p>
<p>Asian male from the Midwest
Mathematics and Economics
Applying for Financial Aid</p>
<p>Well MIT is a reach for everyone. Your scores and grades seem like a match for both schools so that’s great. Your ECs seem like they could be okay, but it depends on how involved in them you were. You want to major in math, so did you do anything extra to pursue the interest outside of school? Stuff like that would definitely be good to highlight in your application. Also, for UChicago I think they really look for creative essays for their supplements, especially considering how creative their questions are. I would say that you have a better chance of getting into UChicago than MIT, but my older sibling got into MIT early and got deferred from UChicago (then withdrew his application after getting into MIT) so I’m not going to pretend to know what they’re going to do.</p>